Vindicta camera stuck zoomed in after scoping in with Assassinate at the same time as Lash Ults you


New member
I main Vindicta with probably 200 hours on her and the repro rate is about every other game for me. I have yet to Game Bar a clip so I apologize for that, but I can tell you the most often repro is scoping with Assassinate as Lash is Ulting you.

  • This is not the only way to repro as I have gotten it on multiple interactions (all involving scoping with Assassinate around the same frames of enemy abilities being used on Vindicta) but is how I've gotten it most consistently.
  • Spamming Assassinate usually fixes the issue, but I have died so many times with the camera so zoomed in I can't even see where I am going lol
  • This issue is high SEV because it impacts basic functionality, and if there is time for QA to run through a quick suite of vindicta zooming with Assassinate as she is being stunned or interrupted, this could be a big help

Repro Steps:
  1. Launch Client
  2. Queue Sandbox/Training or whatever QA uses to have accounts on separate teams with 1 account on Vindicta
  3. Turn on No CDs
  4. As second account select Lash
  5. Have Lash ult Account 1
  6. As Vindicta spam Assassinate

Vindicta camera is never altered


Vindicta camera is stuck in a zoomed in state when using Assassinate around the same time as Lash Ults you