Vindicta attacks (regular gun, 2 ability, ult) had no audio (once)


New member
I was wave clearing in (yellow? I dont remember) lane when all of the sudden it seemed like the candle minions started melting my health bar. I died in about 2 seconds; much to my surprise there was a Vindicta sniping me. There was absolutely zero sound coming from her, the only thing I heard was the candle minion auto attack noises. No Vindicta auto attack noise, no little bell noise to indicate she was flying, and certainly no sniper gunshots.

This only happened one time, As earlier in the game & later in the game I was able to hear it - I've never had this issue before & I didn't have it for the rest of the night.
i've been noticing a bug lately that more or less boils down to "audio subsystem reset itself and a buncha audio cues were dropped" since the patch that added shiv; this sounds like an instance of that
I think that the damage you take should change volume based on how much damage you took. There are so many times where im running away getting pelted by haze across the map and freak out. But then i look at my health and its all there.