Vindicta Assassinate Scope causes FPS drop randomly


New member
It happens randomly, not all the time, but ruins everything. When you open your scope with Vindicta, it immediately drops fps to 40-50. Normally I play with 130fps. When it happens amidst the fight, it causes me to miss the shoot. As soon as I close it, I get better performance again.

None of the options affect this. Even if I play with low settings, it happens. A few people on Deadlock Reddit and Discord experienced this like me.
same issue, but every time...
usually about 110 frames, but with assassinate drops down to 20 fps.
in sandbox mode and during victory or defeat screens seems to work as intended.
seems to be the problem for specific configurations so provided details to my system.


also the first time you scope in with assassinate scope appears square for a second.


--- System Information ---
Uptime( 1210.972677 )
Total frames( 15554 )
Curtime( 1195.610596 )
Realtime( 1203.846313 )
Current Map: '<empty>'
VPK overrides:
SpawnCount: 1
DLL load denials: 11, last '\??\C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deadlock\game\bin\win64\ati_compress_wrapper.dll.2.Manifest'
Command Line: "project8.exe" -console -noassert +@panorama_min_comp_layer_cache_cost_TURNED_OFF 256 -convars_visible_by_default -high -threads 7 -preload +exec autoexec.cfg
Launch path: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Deadlock\game\bin\win64\project8.exe
Build: 10199 (revision 9217762)
OS: Windows 10 Home (Build: 19045) (UBR: 4894) (Limited User)
OS type: Windows 10 (17)
Windows Game DVR: not enabled
Windows Game Mode: not active
App UI Language: english, convar english, localization english
Windows user default LCID: 0x0427
App active: yes, 0ms inactive sleep
Number of immediate Steam friends: 2 (all friends 21)
Steam UGC subscriptions: unavailable
Misc: rate 196608 update 128 latency 0 msec
Net: loopback:1
Time: Sun Sep 29 01:18:42 2024
Process: 64-bit, OS: 64-bit
Process priority: high, main thread priority: normal
CPUs: 6 CPUs, Frequency: 3.0 GHz, Features: F/M/S 6/158/10 GenuineIntel SSE SSE2 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 MMX RDTSC RDTSCP CMOV FCMOV PCLMULQDQ
CPU brand information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8500 CPU @ 3.00GHz
Engine thread pool: 6 thread(s)
Render system: DX11
Driver Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Driver Version:
VendorId / DeviceId: 0x10de / 0x1c02
SubSystem / Rev: 0x37241458 / 0xa1
DXLevel: 111
Texture memory: 3,109,027,840
Vid: Exclusive Fullscreen, render at 1920 x 1080, display at 1920 x 1080, refresh rate 77.00Hz (60Hz desktop)
Texture data resident: 965,069,784 (panorama_rt 11,715,880; panorama_tex 14,586,016)
Version:20, aspectratiomode:0, cl_particle_fallback_base:3, cl_particle_fallback_multiplier:3.000000,
coop_fullscreen:0, cpu_level:0, csm_max_shadow_dist_override:1024.000000, defaultres:1920,
defaultresheight:1080, fps_max:156.000000, fullscreen:1, fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss:1,
gpu_level:0, gpu_mem_level:0, high_dpi:0, knowndevice:0, lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades:true,
lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value:-1, mat_viewportscale:0.703458, mat_vsync:0,
mem_level:0, monitor_index:0, nowindowborder:1, r_arealights:false, r_citadel_antialiasing:0,
r_citadel_distancefield_ao_quality:0, r_citadel_distancefield_reflections:false,
r_citadel_distancefield_shadows:false, r_citadel_fsr2_sharpness:1.000000, r_citadel_fsr_rcas_sharpness:1.000000,
r_citadel_half_res_noisy_effects:true, r_citadel_mboit:true, r_citadel_motion_blur:0,
r_citadel_shadow_quality:0, r_citadel_ssao_quality:0, r_citadel_upscaling:0, r_dashboard_render_quality:0,
r_depth_of_field:false, r_displacement_mapping:0, r_effects_bloom:false, r_env_map_uses_height_map:0,
r_fullscreen_gamma:2.102266, r_light_sensitivity_mode:true, r_low_latency:1, r_particle_depth_feathering:false,
r_post_bloom:false, r_render_portals:0, r_screen_space_shadows:false, r_texture_stream_mip_bias:4,
recommendedheight:480, refreshrate_denominator:1, refreshrate_numerator:77, shaderquality:0,
useadvanced:1, volume_fog_depth:16, volume_fog_height:16, volume_fog_width:16,
Scene information:
Begin to finish rendering views : 0.000137
Finish to complete : 0.000182
Number of views allocated : 6
Triangles rendered: 0
SceneObjects drawn: 0 in 0 draw calls
0 base, 0 animated
Material changes: 0 (0 depth-only)
0 initial materials (0 initial depth-only) (0 fast-path depth-only)
Unbatchable material draws: 0
Lights in view (unshadowed+shadowed): 0+0 omni, 0+0 spot, 0+0 barn 0 env 0 lpv.
0 shadowmaps [0 dynamic, 0 mixed], 0 empty mixed shadows culled
Culling: 0 objects pre-cull (0 tested), 0 passing culling
cpu culling: [vis 0] [vol 0] [dist 0] [size 0]
gpu culling: [vis 0] [frust 0] [occ 0] [vol 0] [bface 0] [size 0]
Number of transforms, instances allocated: 1 (0kb), 1 (0kb)
Per-frame scratch memory used: 0 bytes (high watermark 196.61 KB)
Number of contexts created: 4 primary
Number of display lists submitted: 10
Number of views rendered: 4 (0 with world traversals)
Number of jobs used to render: 4
Number of rendertarget binds: 4
Number of pushconstant sets: 0
0 particle systems rendered
0 material binds for particles
0 draw calls for particles
Maximum device access threads: 28
Checked pending presents 15,552 times; waited 39 times; abandoned 4 times
Texture memory: 920 / 2,372 MB; in 2,816 textures (461 MB non-evictable)
Textures created overall: 2,992; textures evicted: 0
Command stream pools: 21,135,360 bytes in base, 0 bytes in medium, 0 bytes in large (0 extra data fallbacks)
Material count: 781
Material generation: 4
Process Memory:
Working set: 3840.33 MiB
Peak working set: 4347.32 MiB
Heap: standard allocator pass-through to low-level
Low-level allocator: jemalloc
System Memory:
Memory load: 56%
Total physical memory: 16301.81 MiB
Free physical memory: 7104.55 MiB
Total page file: 18733.81 MiB
Free page file: 6950.55 MiB
Localization stats for english data:
40,839 tokens; 40,853 instances (40,853 from 11 files; 0 not file-based)
string data: 1,638,600 bytes (295 bytes of padding) in 25 blocks
2,359,296 bytes for token lookup; 655,360 bytes for instance info
total memory allocated: 4,653,256 bytes
ConVars (non-default):
var value default
citadel_crosshair_dot_opacity 1 0.7
citadel_crosshair_dot_outline_opacity 1 0.9
citadel_crosshair_pip_opacity 0 0.4
citadel_hero_roster 6,15,11,17,13,1,20,12,4,31,8,52,
citadel_hero_roster_high_priority 3
citadel_invert_ping_type true false
citadel_new_player_progress 14 0
citadel_per_unit_hotkeys_checked true false
citadel_show_npe_modal false true
cl_citadel_cancel_ability_mode 0 1
cl_citadel_items_quickcast_mode 1 0
cl_citadel_quickcast_ability1 2 0
cl_cq_min_queue 1 0
cl_interp_ratio 1 2
cl_jitter_bad_threshold_up 26.666668 20
cl_updaterate 128 20
deadlock_early_development_warning_disabled true false
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick true false
fps_max 156 400
fps_max_tools 77 120
fps_max_ui 77 120
func_break_max_pieces 0 15
hostname kazn
last_viewed_announce_id 28 -1
name kazn unnamed
panorama_console_position_and_size 20.00|20.00|1000.00|800.00
r_drawtracers_firstperson false true
r_fullscreen_gamma 2.102266 2.2
r_shadows false true
rate 196608 786432
sensitivity 0.35 1.25
sound_device_override Source2SDLDefaultDevice
sv_parallel_checktransmit 2 0
think_limit 0 10
voice_device_override #OS_Default_Device
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.818933 1