Vindicta assassinate not calculating damage correctly, not landing


New member
Match ID 5766544

Bug(?) 1: Assassinate doesn't land
Timestamp: Clip starts around 9:10
Description: Replay doesn't accurately measure the crosshair, but this shot was aimed directly at the Bebop. I got hooked in, so I was as close as possible. It seems to me that the shot started on the other side of Bebop as (my) Vindicta. If this is correct and you feel that this is correct, please ignore this bug. Logically it kind of makes sense that you can't snipe someone closer than the rifle's length, but gameplay wise it feels wrong. Having that last second damage possibility taken away because you got hit with an ability as annoying as his hook feels a little cheap IMO.

Resolved: I didn't realize you had to charge the ability for long enough. I don't personally think that's necessarily communicated well enough in the ability description or the indicator though, the green charging circle is hard to see and "partial" damage isn't too descriptive. But the damage itself isn't a bug.
Bug 2: Assassinate doesn't deal enough damage
Timestamp: Featured clip (Yamato) starts around 18:52, but also happens at other parts of the game (like the bebop fight). This was just the first example I found

Description: Assassinate in total should have dealt 532 (181 dmg + 316 bonus + 35 Mystic burst, which did proc). It ended up doing 404, taking her down to 21 hp. She had no spirit resist, and I had no negative damage modifiers. For her to only take this much damage she would've had to have ~24-25 percent spirit resist. My first thought is if it's grabbing another player's spirit resist, because there are players in the game with around that much. This is the main bug in this post and I could really feel it impact my game, because I just couldn't get the kills I needed to get going. Obviously, there's no guarantee that I would've gotten going had I hit these, but it really felt like I couldn't do anything, because my shots just weren't as powerful as I thought they should be. A few additional thousand souls in the early-mid early game would've really helped lol.
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Match ID 5766544

Bug(?) 1: Assassinate doesn't land
Timestamp: Clip starts around 9:10
View attachment 15010
Description: Replay doesn't accurately measure the crosshair, but this shot was aimed directly at the Bebop. I got hooked in, so I was as close as possible. It seems to me that the shot started on the other side of Bebop as (my) Vindicta. If this is correct and you feel that this is correct, please ignore this bug. Logically it kind of makes sense that you can't snipe someone closer than the rifle's length, but gameplay wise it feels wrong. Having that last second damage possibility taken away because you got hit with an ability as annoying as his hook feels a little cheap IMO.

Bug 2: Assassinate doesn't deal enough damage
Timestamp: Featured clip (Yamato) starts around 18:52, but also happens at other parts of the game (like the bebop fight). This was just the first example I found
View attachment 15017View attachment 15018

View attachment 15019View attachment 15020
Description: Assassinate in total should have dealt 532 (181 dmg + 316 bonus + 35 Mystic burst, which did proc). It ended up doing 404, taking her down to 21 hp. She had no spirit resist, and I had no negative damage modifiers. For her to only take this much damage she would've had to have ~24-25 percent spirit resist. My first thought is if it's grabbing another player's spirit resist, because there are players in the game with around that much. This is the main bug in this post and I could really feel it impact my game, because I just couldn't get the kills I needed to get going. Obviously, there's no guarantee that I would've gotten going had I hit these, but it really felt like I couldn't do anything, because my shots just weren't as powerful as I thought they should be. A few additional thousand souls in the early-mid early game would've really helped lol.
Wouldnt the bonus not apply as the target is not below 50% hp?

EDIT: that number also would not make sense tho as without the execute bonus dmg the total should only be 216, was the ult fully charged?
The HP in the replay is bugged for all players, it always shows their default level one hp. She was under half at the time of the shot. It probably was partially charged though, I missed that in the ability description. I'll edit the original post. Thanks for your help
Wouldnt the bonus not apply as the target is not below 50% hp?

EDIT: that number also would not make sense tho as without the execute bonus dmg the total should only be 216, was the ult fully charged?