Vindicta Assasination Bug


New member
Bug happens on 11/09/2024. Did not happen after patch, but sometime after patch.

If there is zero charges left, and it refills to the first charge, there is a less than 0.5sec window where assassinate automatically fires when pressing "4" without left mouse click. This doesn't happen if you have 2,3,4 charges.
Happens to me as well. Steps to reproduce:

1. Open scope
2. Fire and close the scope immediately.
3. Start spamming the scope button. Scope won't open for a short time (inter-charge cooldown).
4. As soon as the charge cooldown expires, scope will open and Assassinate will fire on its own.

I am guessing it has something to do with the ability input buffer. When assassinate scope action is put into the input buffer, it gets registered as Assassinate shot. I tested using another ability like this:

1. Press 3 (Use Crow ability).
2. Press 4 (Open Assassinate scope) as quickly as possible (during Crow's cast time, something like 0.1s or so).
3. As soon as the Crow ability is executed, Assassinate ability automatically fires.

It happens with Stake and Flight abilities as well but I couldn't reproduce it with Active items for some reason.
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