Veil Walker and Quicksilver Reload buffs expire, but why?


New member
The item descriptions state:

Vale Walker: "grants bonus fire rate for your next magazine"
QSR: "your weapon is reloaded and has a fire rate bonus for that clip"

But that's not true!

The duration of the QSR bonus is 12 seconds, and as soon as the cooldown of the item's passive finishes, it disappears.

The duration of Veil Walker's bonus is 17 seconds, that is, again the cooldown duration of the passive.

1) Change the descriptions so that the same words are used in both cases. Clip or magazine?
2) Make the bonuses work as follows from the descriptions.

Please do not just change the descriptions to suit the current nature of the bonuses!

Characters like Haze, Vindicta and even McGinnis need a fire rate to deal at least some damage in the late game, and these items allow you to get burst damage, which is often not enough to make a kill. Finally, it is bonuses such as those in the description that make items interesting from a gameplay point of view.

When I started playing better, I was able to use buffs more often, but the problem of their duration still remains. There is a lot of micromanagement, which is why it is inconvenient and distracts from what is important. In addition, the game still does not have a convenient UI for tracking buffs.

It would be better if the duration of the buffs was strictly defined: for QSR - until the next weapon reload, since the buff is small, and for a Veil Walker - 20 seconds (currently 17).
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Was going to make a similar post on this exact topic.

My observations.
QSR fire-rate duration not impacted by items that increase ability duration. This value remained 12s.
I also recognized during testing that cooldown reduction does not work on QSR. the max frequency of activation remains at 12s.

Veil Walker in my testing had a default duration of about 16~17 seconds. I noticed it would expire before the cooldown on Veil Walker passive had recharged. Purchasing ability duration items increased the time that the fire-rate remained.

I believe that the tooltips should be updated if this behavior is intended.