Various Item Ideas Part 3 (15 items)


Back again with more item ideas

Thread 1
Thread 2

Same rules apply as the previous threads, the numbers on the items are mostly based on feeling rather than any regards to balance, the main consideration is the effects of what the items do, and what they could add to the game, rather than what stats they have.

Additional thoughts I have about the reasoning for the items existence or how it would work are in italics, as usual I don't pay too much attention to the other item ideas in this forum to avoid being influence by other peoples ideas to much, so apologies if similar items have been suggested before.

Overflow - Vitality - Tier 3 - 3,000S - Component: Healing Booster
+10% Spirit Resist
+5 Health Regen

Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 30% and increases your resistance to healing reduction by 20%

Any heals you receive (not including regen) can add temporary bonus health up to a limit of 10% of your max health
Bonus health drains at a rate of 20% a second

This item gives an upgrade to healing booster which further increases the benefit of that while also cribbing the overheal mechanic from TF2, allowing characters to get additional max health beyond their current limit, but only temporarily.

Vantage Point - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+15% jump height
+10% Stamina Recovery
+5% Weapon Damage

When standing on solid ground, gain additional weapon damage on targets beneath you

+0.5% Weapon Damage per Meter

The idea behind this item was to give players more reasons to use the rooftops to gain an advantage and snipe enemies below them
The caveat of needing to be stood on solid ground came because I thought this could potentially be broken in the hands of the two flying characters who already get bonus damage when in the air, but this caveat could potentially be removed if it wasn't that overpowered with them as without it you could allow players to do jump shots for bonus damage, like with majestic leap or something

Explosive Rejuvenation - Vitality - Tier 1 - 500S
+15% Melee Resistance
+50 Bonus Health

Succesfully parrying a melee attack heals you and pushes back all nearby enemies
+50 Health Healed from Parrying Light Melee Attacks
+150 Health Healed from Parrying Heavy Melee Attacks
5m Knockback AoE

I wanted to come up with more items that utilise parrying in some way, so I created a more offensive item and a defensive item
This item would give you more sustain in lane from succesful parries, and could be useful as a bit of a get off me tool, if you're being rushed down by multiple people and someone tries to Melee you

Precision Parry - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+15% Melee Resistance
-80% Parry Window Duration
+60% Parry Cooldown
+100% Parry Retaliation Bonus

This was my idea for a more offensive parry item, massively boosting the damage output of your melee attacks on parried targets, at the cost of needing to time your parries better due to a smaller window of opportunity and being at a longer disadvantage if you mistime them. This rewards players who are confident in their ability to parry by increasing the ratio of risk to reward

Sneak Boots - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
-0.5m/s Movement Speed
+5 Spirit
-50% Footstep Sound Volume

Active (30s Cooldown):
Gain bonus movement speed and further reduce footstep volume
Duration: 8 Seconds
Bonus Movement Speed: 1m/s
Additional -50%(additive) Footstep Sound Volume

This item is based around creating a stealthy hero build, if you're not already aware, your footsteps appear louder to enemies so that they know you're nearby, this item would allow you to reduuce that for a minor speed cost, which can be negated by activating the item for a small burst of speed as well as better sound reduction for when you want to sneak up on someone or maybe give someone the slip

Spirit Tether - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+5% Ability Range
+8 Spirit Power

Active (50s Cooldown):
Tether yourself to either an Ally or Enemy, providing them with some of your Spirit Power and resistance if they're an Ally, or Stealing it if they're an enemy
Duration: 10 seconds
Max Tether Range: 15m
Spirit Power Bonus/Steal: 10 Spirit Power
Spirit Resistance Bonus/Steal: 15% Spirit Resistance

This is an item that could be used either against an enemy to steal some of their spirit power for yourself as well as draining their resistance, letting you deal more spirit damage to them and resist more spirit damage from them.
Or, it could be used to support an ally, giving them some of your spirit power and resistance.

The spirit power would always give or take 10 from the target, but would never leave the person sacrificing theirs with less than 0
However the resistance drain would be able to put people into the negatives, so if I only had 5% spirit resistance and tethered myself to an ally, they would have +15% and I would be at -10%

Heavy Slugs - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
-25% Fire Rate
+20% Bullet Damage

Your bullets temporarily slow the reload speed of hit enemies
Reload Slow: 33%
Reload Slow Duration: 0.25s

If you can't tell already I like items that come with their own downsides to add a bit of a risk/reward element to them
This item would give you the highest additional Weapon Damage of all Tier 1 items, at the cost of a slower fire rate, rewarding players who can play patiently
It can also be used to stall the reload of enemies for a short duration, like the bullets are so heavy that the force they hit with causes them to have to pay more attention to their reloading, but the debuff is so short that it's only really beneficial if you're hitting them while they're reloading

Auto Loader - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+10% Ammo
+5% Reload Speed

Melee attacks no longer pause reloading, they just slow it by 50%

This item is pretty straight forward, wanted an item that you could take for improved reloading speed and to mitigate the reload pause when melee attacking

Porta-Veil - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+2 Health Regen
+5 Spirit Power

Active (60s Cooldown):
Throw a grenade-like projectile that creates a temporary veil, with the transparent side facing towards you
Veil Duration: 5 seconds

This is another self explanatory item, allows the player to create a circular temporary veil to prevent enemies from seeing them, could be used in chokepoints to block enemy view, or even synergise well with an item like Veil Walker
The projectile would be quite heavy, so it would arc severely and wouldn't have much throwing range, probably about 15-20m range

Screaming Void - Spirit - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+15 Spirit Power
+150 Bonus Health

Active: (90s Cooldown):
Tear open a void in the fabric of the universe, any enemy hero within range takes damage over time whilst looking towards the void
Void duration: 10s
Effect Range: 25m
Damage per Second: 80 + (0.2 * Spirit Power)

This item that can be used to force enemies to decided either look away and disengage or continue to attack you if they think they can take the damage
The void is stationary and doesn't follow you, so it could be used in conjunction with other abilities or even as a last ditch escape tool

Weapon Jammer - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+5 Spirit Power
+8% Weapon Damage

Active (40s Cooldown):
Empties an enemies clip, forcing them to reload, and deals Spirit Damage based on the number of bullets wasted
Spirit Damage per Bullet: 2

This item would be a relatively cheap way of being an additional counter to gun characters, forcing them into a reload state.
The Spirit damage scaling with the number of bullets the enemy has also adds a way of bursting heroes who build lots of +ammo weapons, but only if you catch them early in the clip

Sticky Hex - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Melee Resistance
+50 Bonus Health
+0.5 Bonus Regen

Active (30s Cooldown):
Curse an enemy with a hex that silences them and deals Spirit Damage after 5 seconds, the hex can be transferred to another player by hitting them with a melee attack which refreshes the timer
Hex Timer: 5s
Hex Spirit Damage: 100
Hex Silence Duration: 4s

This is a relatively cheap item for how powerful it could be, but it can blow up in the users face if the other player can hit you with a melee attack
Basically forces a hot potato situation where players would need to hit each other with melee attacks to avoid the damage, allowing you to take more advantage of parrying and melee attacks during laning

Sealing Bullets - Weapon - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+20% Weapon Damage
+10% Spirit Resistance

Your bullets temporarily reduce the enemies spirit power on hit, they regain all Spirit Power after the duration ends
Spirit Reduce per Bullet Hit: 1
Max Frequency: 0.4s
Reduce Duration: 10s

This item gives Weapon characters an option for reducing the power of Spirit heroes, when hit by a bullet the debuff durations starts and they keep losing spirit for each additional bullet but the effect can only occur every 0.4 seconds
10 seconds after the effect started, the debuff ends and all Spirit Power is returned

Momentum - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Weapon Damage

Each time you kill an enemy, gain a stack of momentum which improves your movement speed, fire rate, and reload speed. Killing an enemy refreshes the buff duration
Maximum Stacks: 5
Bonus Movement Speed per Stack: 0.25 m/s
Bonus Fire Rate per Stack: 5%
Bonus Reload Speed per Stack: 5%
Buff Duration: 4 seconds

This item is quite powerful for a tier 1 item due to the passive, but has the least benefit in terms of pure base stats
It rewards players who can chain kills, either creeps or enemies, so it could be something that is too powerful in lane and would be better served as a Tier 2 item with some slightly improved stats

Fragmentation Bullets - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Ammo
+5% Fire Rate

Your bullets explode, dealing additional weapon damage to enemies in a small AoE
Explosion Weapon Damage: 20%
Explosion Range: 4m

This is a cheap item that allows you to punish players or creeps that group up together with bonus damage, similar to a much weaker form of Ricochet, it could even be a component of Ricochet
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