Utility items that can only be purchased in the Flex slots


New member
Would need a new color I suppose, but could have unique uses that only become available after a certain point in the game.

Some examples:

  • Ability to teleport to base (helps deal with split-pushing and base trading scenarios, but at the expense of another potentially useful item)
    • In true Dota fashion, this could be a consumable, but not sure if there are any plans for items like that in Deadlock yet
  • Ability to use the rails regardless of who controls them (could make for some fun chases, and enable deep ganks/kills in enemy territory)
    • This one could also buff the cooldown on the speed rail, as it is quite high
  • Ability to place one or more "wards" that offers vision of the map (can have charges and a cooldown)
    • This could "highlight" enemies behind walls, similar to how it is already done for allies, but in a different color (red)
    • It would be funny if these "wards" would appear to enemies as a destructible item (box, vase, etc.) as that could affect how users place them as well
    • This could also be a consumable, but I would almost prefer it wasn't
  • Passive that doubles (or at least significantly increases) the duration and/or effectiveness of the various buffs granted by the neutral creeps and the Mid-Boss
    • I also have no idea what some of those buffs do at the moment, so more information there would be great, but I'm sure that's coming

Loving the game so far, and I'm the type of player who likes to use information and unseen advantages to push my limits, so these types of items would ideally offer buyers an edge that doesn't necessarily translate to bigger numbers or more damage.
Consumable items are really something that could be useful in this game. I'm not sure if they should be put in Flex slots specifically, but it's a good idea
I like the idea of having consumables. The problem that i see with a tp scroll item or an item that lets you bypass enemy zips, is that they sort of make core gameplay elements not as important. Part of the strategy of deadlock is managing your lane equilibrium. As of now, its very important that you try to push the lanes out to mitigate a rat play, so coordination with your team becomes more important and managing who should do what and where adds depth to the game. If you can tp to base anywhere and bypass enemy zips, it makes that coordination not as important.

With wards, i kinda like your idea of how they could be implemented, except if there is a breakable that isnt in a normal spot, players that know the map would be able to spot them too easily. Also, im not sure if vision items like that flow well with the current pace of the game. You can already look at the mini map to see what neutral camps are being taken and get an idea of where the enemy could be, and i feel like dying to ward vision would be much more frustrating in this game than dota.