UPDATE: Bebop's bullet resistance doubled against melee damage

Not sure what's causing this, but Puddle Punch is occasionally doing less damage than it should. Wasn't able to replicate it, but I've noticed it a few times now:

View attachment PP weak.mp4

At this point in the game, neither Bebop nor I had any items, let alone anything that should affect its damage, and his lane partner was Haze, who doesn't have any way to reduce incoming damage on teammates. Not sure what's going on.
You could've checked the numbers on that instead of just saying "working as intended" and making me do all the work, because it's definitely not working as intended.

Puddle Punch on Dummy (no items, no levelling): 69-70 damage.
Puddle Punch on Dummy with 10% in Bullet Resistance items: 63-62 damage.
Puddle Punch on Bebop: 56

Checking this with light melee attacks as other characters produces the same result, meaning Bebop's inherent damage resistance is somehow being applied twice against melee damage.