
New member
I get that you guys are trying to differentiate and learn from other games, but I believe the way the ranked system is going to be is problematic for a lot of people.

Everyone has a routine, schedules, work , or busy with other stuff. Scheduled gameplay times are most commonly found in in game tournaments but doing it for ranked might cause a lot of issues

I mainly am making this thread to voice my opinion but NONE of the posted schedules work for my 330 PM - 1 AM schedule , sure the 14:00 - 17:00 might give me an hour-ish (1 game) worth of ranked per day for 5 days of my working day but with the added MINIMUM games required to play as well a lot of people might find it difficult to find time on their schedule just to play ranked that is only open on certain times a day, this system might work better on tournament based games in the future but it just feels unfair to so many people how the times work, I've only recently started playing this game and immediately liked it clocking in 150 hours in a week an a half or so-ish, and have been planning and making overlays and doing preparations in order to start making content from the game via clips and streaming. now with the news of the ranked system is really making me sad.

I feel that it might be better if they gave us Limited Games per week instead of the scheduled ranked games :((((((((

I work a 9-5 pretty much and i switch between days and nights every 2 weeks, and when im on nights i get limited to 1 game a day which is already difficult enough because i have to go to work right away and hope the game doesnt last more than an hour.
I mean, it's scheduled because this game is in alpha. Almost a month ago you could play ONLY in scheduled times. I guess they gonna test rankeds and ranking system and they gonna make it a 24/7 thing