Unplayable Server Issues, I stoped playing the game for now.


Like many have reported before, the server issues are Extreme. I have package loss of up to 75% in some matches, and lag of 3+ seconds.
I have tried many things, from playing solo and with friends from different regions, using VPN and not using VPN.

Im from the Netherlands and have no issues or internet problems with any other game, app or application. Only with Deadlock servers.

I have no clue how im suppose to test this game and provide feedback at this point.
I can play a buggy game and give feedback just fine, but i cant play a game where every match has a different delay and package loss.

The servers consistently show a ping between 17 and 32, even with 3 second delays or massive package loss so the servers clearly cant record whats going on properly with the conenctions.

I have had games where the delay is so bad that i activate an ability, die 2 seconds later, and 3 seconds after i have already died the ability activates and shows up in game. (thats a 5 second delay) This should not be posible.
In general i cant activate abilities and dashes about half of the time, but i also had games where more than 3/4th of the actions i do dont get registrated at all.

It would realy help to know from anyone if this issue is being worked on, and if there is anything we the players can do to resolve this.
Any suggestion, any communication, any feedback about this issue would help.

Kind regards, Aimee