Unplayable match

I've played this game for a while now, and this is the first time I've experienced a match that was completely unplayable. my FPS stayed consistently ~140, my latency was around 90.... but i kept seeing the SERVER CPU's peak hit around 200% at times, my assumption is that was the issue.... either way the match id was 431501, I played Pocket.

I noticed at the bottom right corner under the (peak) information there is a red dot that lights up when i start experiencing these issues, which I don't really know what it means...
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Experienced another terrible match today... ID 574436 , in this match I can verify that everyone in the match was experiencing the same issues. We got the server's peak to 1000%+ .... which I don't know if this means that someone is capable of spamming Valve's server with so much input that they basically break it or if y'all gotta spin up more instances for matchmaking cause right now it's not cutting it....
Yep, just finished another CPU utilizing >600% match. There's no history to check to figure out the ID or who I played with, but the server utilization maxed and the game turned into a 20 minutes steamroll. Can't hit units or heroes at 600% CPU utilization but one can still hit map objectives without trouble apparently. Utterly ridiculous.