unlocked flex slots visual bug


New member
During the game I wanted to check enemy's items, and saw this.
First, on hover, the slot was shown as locked, with a text suggesting how to unlock it.
Second, the item was doubled, as you can see, this item is in the bottom left flex slo as well.

Bug is still happening as of Build 5,158 - Sep 14 2024. I was able to recreate it in replay mode. It happens when:
1. Your team does not have a shrine flex (top right)
2. Your team has a two walkers flex (bottom left)
3. Enemy buys a shrine flex (top right)
4. You mouse over an enemy's inventory that has a shrine flex item. It does not occur until your client sees the top right flex item.

Match 12476920 near the end you can test it. Match time ~33:58 - 34:05.