Unlock Flex slots with personal milestones or the current team milestones (whichever happens first)


New member
Alot of my games come down to who can starve the map out better after leaving laning phase.

Which is fine thats a good gameplay mechanic that is core to all MOBAs,

But I do think since map objectives are tied to item slots that sometimes it can be too oppressive and too snowbally.

I think that there should be individual based objectives, that when met, also unlock a flex spot - even if your team didnt hit the objective together.

For example, your first flex slot can get unlocked at 25k Networth souls, if your team has not already taken out all T1 towers.

Or your next at 35k etc for each level.

With this mechanic your whole team doesnt "earn" the flex spot but if you have 1 or 2 players doing well, they can maybe unlock enough space to bring a match back to being competitive.

My last game I just coordinated to keep a T1 tower up for 30 minutes, and the other team didnt effectively get to play the game. This is more evident on the 2nd and 3rd flex slots but it seemed especially oppressive for them not even getting the 1st one.

I dont know the particular "game average mmr" but the stat trackers have me in the top .5% - which i imagine this problem can be more evident at lower elo? I have just over 500 games, and this last recent patch change on flex slots has made this problem moved to the forefront of the games for me.

Its happened to my teams as well in games, and sometimes you just have to buy bigger items to play around this, but i still think this makes the game a little too snowbally in its current version.
i refuse to play this game because 1) the matchmaking sucks and you get punished for being good at the game and 2) If team doesn't do objectives you just don't get to buy items and get punished for being good at the game and getting net worth. Only way to play is to afk split push while team feeds their brains out.
i wanted to but it just says its private so i couldnt, this was the next relevant place

EDIT: i posted it there, even tho i cant see the threads it still lets me post. Didnt realize that.
It's private to view for users like us, but the devs can see any post there. It's too avoid people from swaying each others opinions. I was a little confused about this at first too.