Unable to use any input functions besides moving on respawn

I just accidentally abandoned a game due to this issue.

In a game with two friends, I died during a teamfight as Lash, on respawn, I was unable to do anything besides move. I could not shoot, I could not zoom in, I could not melee, nor jump. All of my skills were grayed out, and if I hit any of them, it said Lash is busy.

I tried to exit out to attempt to get the abilities working again, and was unable to rejoin even though in previous games this has (sometimes) worked.

Will update with match info once the game finishes.

UPDATE: I was able to rejoin accidentally, as I went to spectate in client, which made me rejoin. I still had all the same issues, and dying once did not fix it. However, the enemy infernus fixed it by stunning me with his ult. I died immediately after but was able to press abilities again.

Match ID 142071
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