Unable to use Ability 3 no matter what keybind it's set to


New member
Ability 3 just doesn't work no matter what keybind it's set to. In-game it shows no bind next to it.


Resetting all binds to default doesn't work. Strangely it does show the keybind correctly when looking at hero abilities on the main menu.
Yeah I'm now seeing that it's different per hero. Just happened to play as the two where it was a passive.

With that said it'd be nice for there to be some sort of indicator that it's a passive on the HUD (and why is the third one specifically the passive?)
Might want to suggest that to UI suggestions. It is a Beta after all. This game is not complete by any means.
Yeah I'm now seeing that it's different per hero. Just happened to play as the two where it was a passive.

With that said it'd be nice for there to be some sort of indicator that it's a passive on the HUD (and why is the third one specifically the passive?)
It's to keep your ult on 4 for all characters. 1 and 2 are then your quick access which just leaves 3 for passives.