Last night during my first game in some time (maybe 2 weeks?) I logged on, and queued a game. During this game I was completely unable to dash (shift for me). I checked my key bindings, saw it was bound to shift, and then checked in keyboard input monitor and saw the key was still working, as well as its traditional use outside the game. I then erased the bind, rebound to shift, and continued to have the same issue. After rebinding to a different key (tried caps, tilda, both unbound keys), the issue still persisted.
I noticed that sometimes I would dash seemingly randomly and couldn't figure out the trigger. The game ended, I tried dashing in sandbox, and had no issue, relaunched the game just in case, and requeued. In the 2nd game the issue persisted. During this game I noticed that every time I was movement locked CC'ed, either stunned, or slept (uncertain about roots) I would immediately dash after the effect wore off, whether or not I was inputting the command. After the game I tried sandbox again and had no issue. I restarted my computer the next day and the issue went away.
I noticed that sometimes I would dash seemingly randomly and couldn't figure out the trigger. The game ended, I tried dashing in sandbox, and had no issue, relaunched the game just in case, and requeued. In the 2nd game the issue persisted. During this game I noticed that every time I was movement locked CC'ed, either stunned, or slept (uncertain about roots) I would immediately dash after the effect wore off, whether or not I was inputting the command. After the game I tried sandbox again and had no issue. I restarted my computer the next day and the issue went away.