Unable to cancel 3 ability on Viscous after rebinding key


New member
I rebound my 3 ability to E and now I'm unable to cancel puddle punch on Viscous by pressing the same button again. Before, I would press 3, see that I don't need it, and then press 3 again to cancel the usage of puddle punch. With 'E' bound as my 3rd ability, I am unable to cancel the usage of puddle punch and it remains in a "use" state. (I have to cancel it by opening up cube and cancelling that or by using the punch).

Mouse5 (side of the mouse) bind seems to work and cancel like 3, it's just 'E' that seems to be problematic.

View attachment bug 2.mp4
It's already really hard to cancel puddle punch when it's bound to your 3. I used to use right click to cancel, but they added this awkward alt fire and now it shuts you out of your gun and uses too much of your ammo.