Unable to abandon safe to leave match

Game crashes upon clicking on the abandon button once disconnected from the match. Rejoin option works, however. Clicking on Abandon crashes the game and the game either tries to reconnect or presents the rejoin and abandon options on the main menu upon relaunching.
I've had the exact same issue in private bot matches:
  1. Create a Private bot match
  2. After connecting click "Exit Game"
  3. Run the game again
  4. Click on Abandon in the main menu.
  5. Crash.
The Rejoin option works. Doing `disconnect` in the console from the main menu has no effect, but doesn't crash, unlike clicking Abandon.
"Attach files" says .mdmp files can't be uploaded, not sure how I can give a crash dump.
I tried to repeat the instructions, it really causes the game to crash.
I hope the developers will see this and fix it, keep the free beer 🍺 :cool:
I have this same issue except I was in a private bot game when I needed to restart my game and Steam forced an update, so now I can't rejoin or abandon, and have been stuck in this game for hours now.
I have this same issue except I was in a private bot game when I needed to restart my game and Steam forced an update, so now I can't rejoin or abandon, and have been stuck in this game for hours now.
Had that happen as well, entering `map street_test` in the console from the main menu then disconnecting fixed it for me, maybe you can try.