Ultimate Rework Idea For Trapper


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So I've had this idea for a while now seeing as the hero trapper sounds really cool but I always felt like something was off about him and his kit. that is until I went back to some of the older videos I've made on another game named "dead by daylight" and I saw this character again:

you see, Deathslinger is horror itself but his power is pretty simple. he shoots people with his spear chaingun and when the spear pierces their body he drags the victims as they scream in pain to deal the finishing blow and drop them to the ground.
now you might ask what does this have to do with trapper. well even though trapper model isn't final and he has ways to go in terms of development I really believe his ult specifically brings nothing special to the table and it doesn't even synergyze well with his kit. now I understand that lowering resistances in a moba comp could be huge but it's nothing exciting.
My idea for a replacement would be that of DeathSlinger gun. trapper's entire kit revolves around area denial and the only way for enemy to escape would be to move to another location BUT what if we give trapper, Deathslinger's gun as an ultimate. now we have a cripling ability that makes perfect sense for a guy named trapper and has a clear spot in deadlock when people are trying to build comp teams and strategyze.
so his ult would be that he shoots a POWERFUL shot that echoes all over new york city and if his shot lands, for a duration the enemy player cannot use any mobility in his kit( including dashes, jumps and abilities like shiv's dash) and maybe even give him the ability to pull that player towards himself in that duration which makes perfect synergy with his kit as well. because he could for example shoot people and drag them into his web OR he could drag them inside the Bottled Phantasmicide and damage them that way.
for character model I'm sure you have all sorts of concepts available but it would be nice to give him this big guy vibe like abrams and mo and he carries his huge gun around which gives him lots of presence and makes him an scary tank/support character. kinda like abaddon from dota 2.
Even though I've had many ideas about deadlock characters in past, none of them came close to making this much sense. I mean the guy is named trapper so maybe we should actually give him an ult that represents the name.
Either way I hope I gave you a good explanation of my idea and I suggest heavily that you watch deathslinger from deadbydaylight both from killer and a survivor prespective to understand exactly what I'm talking about.
thanks for reading and can't wait for deadlock's release :)
Oh and btw I've also posted this on trapper feedback but since that is a private section, I also wanted to know how community feels about this.
Hope you all doing well.
So I've had this idea for a while now seeing as the hero trapper sounds really cool but I always felt like something was off about him and his kit. that is until I went back to some of the older videos I've made on another game named "dead by daylight" and I saw this character again:

you see, Deathslinger is horror itself but his power is pretty simple. he shoots people with his spear chaingun and when the spear pierces their body he drags the victims as they scream in pain to deal the finishing blow and drop them to the ground.
now you might ask what does this have to do with trapper. well even though trapper model isn't final and he has ways to go in terms of development I really believe his ult specifically brings nothing special to the table and it doesn't even synergyze well with his kit. now I understand that lowering resistances in a moba comp could be huge but it's nothing exciting.
My idea for a replacement would be that of DeathSlinger gun. trapper's entire kit revolves around area denial and the only way for enemy to escape would be to move to another location BUT what if we give trapper, Deathslinger's gun as an ultimate. now we have a cripling ability that makes perfect sense for a guy named trapper and has a clear spot in deadlock when people are trying to build comp teams and strategyze.
so his ult would be that he shoots a POWERFUL shot that echoes all over new york city and if his shot lands, for a duration the enemy player cannot use any mobility in his kit( including dashes, jumps and abilities like shiv's dash) and maybe even give him the ability to pull that player towards himself in that duration which makes perfect synergy with his kit as well. because he could for example shoot people and drag them into his web OR he could drag them inside the Bottled Phantasmicide and damage them that way.
for character model I'm sure you have all sorts of concepts available but it would be nice to give him this big guy vibe like abrams and mo and he carries his huge gun around which gives him lots of presence and makes him an scary tank/support character. kinda like abaddon from dota 2.
Even though I've had many ideas about deadlock characters in past, none of them came close to making this much sense. I mean the guy is named trapper so maybe we should actually give him an ult that represents the name.
Either way I hope I gave you a good explanation of my idea and I suggest heavily that you watch deathslinger from deadbydaylight both from killer and a survivor prespective to understand exactly what I'm talking about.
thanks for reading and can't wait for deadlock's release :)
Oh and btw I've also posted this on trapper feedback but since that is a private section, I also wanted to know how community feels about this.
I agree that trapper need some rework, and i dislike his ult. One rework that i myself thought of is making the spiders into summons(like brootmother from dota). Your idea sounds cool, but they are going for a kind of an insect vibe with the character, and being a tank doesn`t suit his general idea right now. He is more or a support/disabler.

Maybe you can make it so his webs can be placed by chosing 2 points(instead of how they are placed right now), and drag the enemy to the first place. Rename it to something like "Spider Trap" and add a little spider on the first point that shoots the web and drags enemies. Also a cool thing to do is make it so if the enemy is dragged DIRECTLY on the spider he is then stunned and takes damage(The spider bites him and starts weaving a web around him :) )
I agree that trapper need some rework, and i dislike his ult. One rework that i myself thought of is making the spiders into summons(like brootmother from dota). Your idea sounds cool, but they are going for a kind of an insect vibe with the character, and being a tank doesn`t suit his general idea right now. He is more or a support/disabler.

Maybe you can make it so his webs can be placed by chosing 2 points(instead of how they are placed right now), and drag the enemy to the first place. Rename it to something like "Spider Trap" and add a little spider on the first point that shoots the web and drags enemies. Also a cool thing to do is make it so if the enemy is dragged DIRECTLY on the spider he is then stunned and takes damage(The spider bites him and starts weaving a web around him :) )
yeah I mean visually they could make his other abilities have a spider vibe to them. like for example when you shield someone you send a spirit spider to them.
for the role I think I explained it poorly. I also think he is/should be a support/disabler and not a tank but I meant his vibe and his unfinished character model to be a bit chunkier to give him presence because I really like the current roster's personality and in terms of lore I think of trapper as this misterious character that might not necessarily be a bad guy but you def feel wierd and afraid around him.
And if they give him that ult not only he will be one of the scarier characters in game but also it makes sense cus it says in lore "Trapper spends his days building Spirit Urns, luring giant rats, and capturing various invasive species from The Outer Planes".
now maybe they don't mean he does it with a hook gun but that would def be a fine line between physical and spiritual world. they could maybe even say his gun is the kind that will pierce one's spirit which would add even more to his spooky vibe.

and this is just a picture of churnwalker from vainglory just to tell you the kind of imagination I'm having about trapper model.