ult disabler


New member
maybe an items for end game.... an ult disabler.

disable enemy hero ult on 5-10m zone for few seconds....
Yeah, but a mass silence is not that usefull, especially when you can have curse(which is the ultimate counter to anything in the game). And your silence prevents only the ults, which in most close fights(5-10m) won`t get used on the majority on the characters anyway(like you can prevent a dynamo from ulting...but you can do it with normal silence... so what is the point?). Not to mention it is rare for several heroes to be this close to you, and if they are..you got bigger problems than their ults. It`s basically coldfront with silence instead of slow, and cold front rarely hits 2+ heroes.
i understand but just look at it like a magic tricks... like magic carpet.. another tool for hero to use at the end
i understand but just look at it like a magic tricks... like magic carpet.. another tool for hero to use at the end
Only working on ults will make it a FAR weaker alternative to FAR cheaper items, not worth it 99.999% of the time. Magic Carpet has it`s uses and has no real alternative(you can buy it for Mo&krill with a lot of speed, and catch a flying vindicta from like half the map away, no way a bit of mass ult disable can compete with that) And flying carpet is a good escape item,since you can fly VERY unpredictably. This item has 1 ultra speccific use, that can be covered by (as mentioned before) cheaper, better alternatives.