Two Tier 4 items: Tesla coil and Radioactive shrapnel

Tesla coil
Tesla bullets upgrade. The stat bonuses, cast range, cooldown, aoe radius, aftereffect duration e.t.c to be determined.
After 1 second of channel duration, a single, powerful lightning strike from the heavens to a target point. the lightning snaps to the nearest enemy to the point in a very small radius, damaging and applying a debuff (i.e stun, slow or stamina depletion) on hit. Enemies in a larger aoe radius (say 8m) around the original target during the strike are rendered visible for a few seconds, and are affected with spirit resist reduction and ministuns at every application of tesla shock damage, which they will receive even if they're out of the 8m arc jump range for a long duration (say 15 seconds). The initial single target strike damage can be dodged, but if the target is still within the charged aoe range they'll get the aoe debuff.

Radioactive shrapnel
Toxic bullets upgrade. The stat bonuses, cast range, cooldown, aoe radius, aftereffect duration e.t.c to be determined.
Launches a sticky bomb containing microscopic shards of nuclear waste with a 3 second timer at an enemy, dealing physical damage every second till countdown reaches 0. If the target dies early or the timer expires, the bomb explodes over a wide area, dealing an initial burst of damage (main target takes 2x). Enemies caught in the blast are also slowed for 5 seconds and have toxic bullet's passive applied every second until they leave the cloud radus. The radioactive zone persists for a long duration (say 15 seconds). The bomb cannot be dodged by sliding, but can be attacked by allies of the victim. If the bomb is destroyed before it matures or its host expires, there will be no explosion.

These actives seem to belong in the spirit department, but their base items are in weapon.
If we can't have Venomancer or Zeus (which have already been suggested as heroes), maybe these signature abilities would pacify till they're introduced. Hopefully.
tesla is an item for fire rate users. usually they are bullet damage users. making it a magic t4 item spirit scaling magic item ruins its purpose. maybe if it just buffs even more the fire rate or makes the user spray lighting bolts when attacked like mjornir from dota 2 would be even better.