Two Hero Concepts: Aristo, the Swordmaster + Leeroy, the Hound Tamer


New member

Epie wielding Victorian/Gothic themed female character, inspiration taken from Fiora (League), Orie (Under Night in-Birth). Descendent of a royal and aristocratic family.

1. an Epie Thrust, that can be used in tandem with dashes. Possible critical strike passive on every 3rd hit? So you could do 2 primary strikes, into your 1.

2. a Riposte, acting as an additional parry button, but allows you to follow up with a special attack that critically strikes.

3. a Backwards Leap, which is a bit more floaty and vertical than standard dash jumps. Can be combined with dashes, jumps, and has directional input.

4. Engage an enemy with a Duel, gaining critical rate, critical damage, and possibly applying a bleed to your selected target when you hit them during the Duel duration.


Mainly inspired by Leroy from Tekken, but with much further emphasis on his American Bully dog. Leeroy would use a kit revolving around attacks with his pet, and a shotgun. His American Bully would be kept on a chain leash, attached to Leeroy.

1. a Bite, which makes Leeroy’s dog auto target the closest hero in proximity to him and attack them with a Bite. The bite applies a stack of bleed.

2. a Recall, in which Leeroy calls his dog to come to him. Leeroy then receives a stack based heal decided on how many creeps have been last hit by his dog’s bite.

3. a Smack, that stuns an enemy with the butt of Leeroy’s shotgun if they get too close to him.

4. Leeroy breaks the chain leash from his dog, causing the dog to go on a Rampage in a straight line. If the dog gets Line of Sight on any enemy, it runs them down instead. When it catches up with the enemy, it leaps onto them, rabidly attacking. It does not return until the enemy is killed, or a set amount of damage is done on the dog. It then safely returns to Leeroy, and the leash is reconstructed.

You would need to use things like Unstoppable and Ethereal Shift near a teammate to effectively counter it.

Additional Comments:

Aristo’s 4 could definitely be more interesting, but the idea of locking down a single target for a Duel would stay core to her kit. She would not use Ammo, just the Epie. The backwards leap would be her escape tool in early game. I’m unsure how she’d Deny very well, maybe her swinging animations would be varied? Thrust, Swing, Double Swing? You’d have to time the waves pretty well and fight them in melee range. This would be a pretty high skill Hero overall.

Leeroy’s American Bully dog would auto attack at all times in proximity to you. The damage would be very weak outside of Bite, not too constant, and the whole point would be to try and get the dog to last hit creeps then you shoot the orb. Would also reinforce good jungle clear in the late game.