Two bugs - strange disconnect towards the end of a match, weird replay issues, and some Linux issues


New member
Hi, first things first I'd like to tell you that I'm enjoying the game massively and put 70 hours into it, huge thanks to the team for your effort!

The issue that I've encountered today was a random disconnect towards the end of the match (ID 14601015, I was playing Bebop). Sadly I don't have a recording, but I would describe it as a ~5-second long freeze with my character moving in place. I also distinctly remember the enemy Patron's health bar being half full when it happened (it froze in place, along with the rest of the UI). It wasn't my internet connection since I was talking with my friend the whole time, and it seems that the server itself was also okay, since my friend told me that they've finished the match just a few seconds later. I am posting this because of the unusual error message which I couldn't find anywhere else except some old Dota 2 threads on Reddit from around 2018.

Screenshot from 2024-09-19 17-33-49.png

Nothing seems out of the ordinary in the replay itself, the character doesn't even stop moving up until the very end of it, a few seconds after the enemy Patron gets destroyed.

Is it possible that the game didn't tell me about us winning the match and I just got disconnected in a bizarre way?
Is it possible that somebody has tried to disconnect me towards the end by some kind of an exploit and should I be worried about anything like that (excuse my paranoia)?

By the way the replay itself has crashed once with the same message as above, when I quickly clicked on a few timestamps.

I would also like to point out that the game crashes upon joining a match on Linux (or at least on some distributions, like Mint that I'm using), but I see that it has been reported numerous times and solved by setting the "vm.max_map_count" parameter to a higher number.

Thank you in advance for your responses, and again, huge thanks to the devs for a great game!