Trying to spectate a game while queuing might make leave the match and receive penalty

This is not a bug. If you get into a game but leave or cancel that game, that's leaving, or queue dodging. You cannot spectate AND play a game at the same time.
Yeah, so if I'm understanding the OP correctly:
  1. They queue for a game
  2. They spectate a game while waiting
  3. The queue pops
  4. They are kicked from the game that just started, and receive a penalty, because they were spectating
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, though.

Either that or they mean there is a penalty for leaving the spectated game.
Yeah, so if I'm understanding the OP correctly:
  1. They queue for a game
  2. They spectate a game while waiting
  3. The queue pops
  4. They are kicked from the game that just started, and receive a penalty, because they were spectating
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, though.

Either that or they mean there is a penalty for leaving the spectated game.
OHHHH, if its a penalty for leaving the spectating game (which I hadn't even thought of, so thank you!) then that would be really worrisome!