Trigger Pact


New member
+ Fire Rate
+ Reload Speed

Every headshot refunds 1 bullet to the magazine (limit 1 proc per shot, with increased requirements based on pellet/bullet count)
Every 4th body shot refunds 1 bullet to the magazine (limit 1 proc per 4 shots, with increased requirement based on pellet/bullet count)

Functionally its a 25% mag size increase (if you land your shots) with some fire rate and reload speed added (reload speed seems to be a hard stat to come by?) that also benefits more for those who aim for the head. Likely a tier 3 or tier 4 gun item. Also the “1 proc per shot” stuff is to avoid shotgun users being able to fully reload their gun every shot, and have the requirements scale to match the number of pellets each shotgun user has (so if you had 8 pellets, it would require 8 pellets hitting the head for a shot to be refunded to mag, or 32 pellets hitting body) and also counter stuff like ricochet leading to infinite ammo. Maybe Valve would want Ricochet leading to infinite ammo though, I don’t know.

A little complicated, and certainly still viable on the shotgun users who can get up in your face and hit headshots, but is primarily built for gun carries who can be accurate as well, allowing mag extension for characters who don’t normally scale with it (Haze and Wraith) like Seven or Paradox.