Travel Rail based character


New member
Currently there are no characters that interact with what seems to be the games most unique mechanic as it stands, the rail that you can travel along.

It would be interesting to brain storm ideas for characters that can utilise this in interesting and creative ways.

There are several different potential options here, from being able to build new rails, negatively impact enemy rails to slow down reinforcements, speed up friendly rails, or even allow for control of the character when riding a rail, so that you can go backwards/forwards at will.

You could have skills that, for example, damage enemies around where you land when jumping off of a rail (especially if you were to create the character as some kind of mechanic/tram operator that expands a mechanical tram car when on the rail)

A skill that allows you to extend a rail in a direction of your choosing, similar to how Kelvin can make an ice path. This would allow you to travel at tram speed to areas not currently connected to the network, and have teammates follow. This would obviously need to disappear after a set amount of time.

If the character design followed an old timey tight rope walker or trapeze artist design they could run along the top of the rail, and stand on it and shoot downwards.

Given this is one of the unique mechanics of the game. It would be interesting to explore it further.
Being able to create a new tram track is a really interesting idea and probably doable too.

As far as other abilities interactive with rails, well arguably that already exists; they can help Lash get into position for his ground pound and ult, help Vindicta get to a safe sniping position, help Seven to ult above walls, etc...
Yeah, there are characters that can use it in a lot of situations to their advantage, though in many cases it relies on the enemy fighting out of position, and the character being in a place where they can join the teamfight once it's already begun in many cases.

I feel like there's potential design scope to expand on that. It would be interesting to have skills that, for example, as an ultimate disables all rails in the game for 15-20s to prevent reinforcements.
That's interesting for sure, although it would be a very strategic character, and i'm not sure many players would find such an ult appealing...
Bro, i have an idea of kind of character (that interacts wih rails) for a month i think, but i cant cook the kit i would like to play LOL. But i deffenetly have an idea how he would look like. idk about rail building and how hard its to implement, and if considering only rails that exist how to make this character playable outside of lines. So i had and idea just to buff the area and if there happens to be a rail in it, the rail would have an extra peroperties.