Trapper style character


New member
I'm aware that some hero's already have a "trap" style ability, but I'd like to see a character focused around setting up an area lockdown by trapping chokepoints and baiting enemies in

Mcginnis can theoretically serve this role, but her turret lifespan and requirement to build a specific way to do so means I'd like to see a character that could set up a zone perhaps 3 or 4 mins ahead of a fight, perhaps marking on the map the location of the traps for teammates

I'd imagine this character would have at least two abilities that lay down traps, one that does damage, one that works as CC. only limit to amount of traps should be cooldown, have it so the character (and maybe teammates) can also shoot the traps to remotely detonate them

as for the other two abilities, I think that should go down to character theming. which I've not really considered and would probably just say "yeah let valve do it lol"

TLDR; give area denial trapper character