Times of Day


New member
This is not the hero's idea, but I don't know where else to write it.

It would be good to add a feature to change day and night throughout the match. This would have a cool effect on both the characters, game mechanics, and the visual style of the game.

What do you think?🙃
it'd be interesting to see, but I'm presuming we won't see that until the map is finalized and general mechanics are laid out, I get the impression there's a specific match length time they're aiming for with deadlock, so that kind of stuff might come later, if ever.
The time of day change sounds interesting. The question is how it can be used in terms of gameplay. For example, make buildings or passages open and closed at different times of the day. Or you can make creeps changing with the time of day. Also on this you can make the mechanics of the "night" store, which will be opened with the arrival of night and in which will be available some unique artifacts.