Thread about builds and creating


New member
when I was creating my build, I ran into a problem.
First: i cant drag and move item box to position which i need, thats really need to me and any peoples, who don't wanna create new build or remove blocks with selected items
Second: I cant change my description in published build, if i republish build, guys, who add to favorite this build - lost him
Third: Changes on build Dont save, i create thread with this problem, but dont described it, cause I was trying to figure out the interface (Im try to change description or add any item - this rolling back to first version)
Fourth: Any guys really need Drag and move system to items (not item crates), cause i forgot 1 item and what i wanna to do? remove all items and add in a row correctly

Thanks for watching, much text, but I'm try to write it as correctly as possible and wanna help support this game, i have to much thoughts about what to do with any aspects on Deadlock, check my media, maybe u found something what need be fixed.
Yoshi, like it? <3
also i have build on Seven, and i want to create another build by another skill, after the start, i got this, game considers i got items to build, but hes empty, that items from another build1722564055013.png1722564039576.png
Forgot about second point, if republish build, build will remain with the subscribers, but the problem with the inability to create a second build remains