Thought on balancing Bebop's ultimate


New member
Me and my group have been running into a lot of trouble coming up against Bebop's ultimate. Out of the box it's quite powerful, but if Bebop builds Spirit then it can feel very unfair. I think that the ability itself is fun to use, and has the potential to be fun to play against, however i think it falls short in its current state. My (and my group's) main gripe is the AOE damage around bebop when he's using the ability. I feel that the AOE limits counterplay significantly and pushes the ability over the line a bit. In my opinion, the main strength of the ability should be the high-damage potential and range of the ability, and i have no issue with the damage or synergies in the spirit category. However, the AOE damage significantly reduces the risk which i believed should be considered while using the ability. The AOE effectively shuts out melee characters/builds from interacting with Bebop while he's using the ability, which i feel shouldn't be the case given what (i assume) the intent was when designing the ability. I recall an instance where i (Lash with maxed out melee build) was able to position myself behind Bebop while he was ulting and i couldn't out-damage his heal/damage from the AOE from his ult (and he was unaware that he was even hitting me). I believe the weakness, or options for counter-play for Bebop's ult should be to get in close to punish him for being out of position.

I believe nerfing/removing the AOE around Bebop when he's casting his ult will balance the ability and provide enemies with more interaction and counter-play.