This NEEDS to be addressed about this game

In this day and age we have insane amount of hero shooters as well as mobas, while deadlock feels good, i believe, or moreso i do fear that feeling may fade because of examples of many predecessors to deadlock, like overwatch (hero-shooter wise) or league and dota (MOBA wise)

the issue i have is simple - heroes piling up, having so many heroes the game is difficult to balance leaving some unfun metas to hang around, as an overwatch fan and someone who started my journey with gaming in installing a moba that is smite, i know that the more heroes there are, the harder game is to learn, i mean hell, league of legends is kinda overwhelming with how many heroes they offer ON TOP of MOBA aspect of this game, it's just not possible to memorize most of this stuff unless you are in the game since day 1

my solution to this issue is also simple - instead of flooding the game with thousands of different shop items or introducing insane amount of heroes, i'd focus moreso on GAMEMODES, provide different ways to play the game in a competetive way while keeping it fun

mobas/hero-shooters release heroes and shop items to break monotony, but there has to be a stop put eventually because of just how much things you have to learn to get yourself into the game, different gamemodes provide a way to break monotony while being able to make characters play out completely different

here's an example of a mode i have - instead of the shop, we get different switchable perks exclusive to a hero - being more akin to tf2 weapon switch but keeping the abilities to the characters, this provides an entirely different way to play the same game in a competetive setting, creating its own 'brand' of competetive, kinda like tf2 has 6v6 and 9v9

also another crackhead example that's likely less realistic to get in but i'll tell anyways - building up your army of minions to siege the enemy base with them, being able to modify minions rather than yourself, but your minions representing your character, adding another way to play the game in the process
Dude yeah lol is garbage adding ~4 heroes per year with no regard to balance, fortunately this is dotadeadlock where heroes are added roughly 1 per year or less, that said in this stage there will be a lot of heroes added to have decent base roster because currently there are heroes that have very little counter, items are also lacking in choice.

Additionally Dota has no lock on heroes, you have everything available as soon as you start which is part of learning the game.

Different game modes or more likely community made ones might be thing in future but don't expect them to stop adding heroes or items, this is normal flow for this genre, the difference is how companies come to balancing and this is where Dota team excelled so far.

Also your idea in no way addresses your issue of too many heroes and items, it just side lines it because you want to play something else...?

Yeah you've clearly lost yourself here, the answer to your problem is play the game more and more and more until you learn, not "play something else that plays completely different" that doesn't address your skill issue with memorizing everything game has to offer.

Unless the answer is that you want to play some other kind of game, then just don't play deadlock, it's not going to change basis anytime soon.
I 100% agree, deadlock does not need 50 heroes in order to shine.
Its better to make heroes feel unique and have different playstyles, as well as gamemodes and maps.
Complexity is just an innate aspect of MOBAs. That can be a pro or a con depending on which type of player you are, and you just so happen to be part of the group where that is a turnoff.

Dota already has different game modes that are faster or simpler (like custom games, the birthplace of Dotachess), which is an attempt to grab players like OP, so there is no reason to believe that Deadlock won't have them too. But that doesn't mean the main game mode should be impacted in any way. If Icefrog feels like he can balance 100 heroes then he definitely should try, his track record of "picked or banned" heroes at TI is a testament of his skill at making 90% of heroes relevant in some way.

LoL always had a smaller pickable hero pool so if you're coming from that game, OP, then your concern makes sense. But you gotta trust the Frog.

League in the OG days was pretty fun and not terribly balanced. But when they went hardcore into "churn out new champions as fast as we can!" it tanked, hard.

Not only did the barrier to entry get insane (imagine joining a game where there are over 150 different fucking characters with unique abilities and kits?!?!?!) but the bloated character roster makes balancing literally impossible. There is no way to do that, anymore.

This game will, obviously, have more heroes down the road, and it should. But as long as it doesn't get too bloated, it'll be ok.