They should prioritize fixing the FPS drops in late-game


New member
Everything started going wrong since the Mirage patch. FPS dropped, but it wasn't as serious as it is now. In this last patch, everything got worse. Before the patch, I averaged 190-250 FPS with high graphics settings, and even in late-game, the FPS stayed almost the same as at the start of the match. But I don’t know what they did to make the FPS drop so much. Now, I'm playing early-game with 140-160 FPS and late-game with an average of 60-90 FPS, which is terrible and makes it very tedious to play. They should prioritize improving game optimization, and while they're at it, fix the matchmaking, which I'd say is as broken as the FPS drops. (Maybe many people don't care about playing with low FPS, but that's not my case, and I hope they can fix it)
Same here. The "low" FPS of 60-90 isn't that bad by itself, but it's accompanied by very frequent "mini drops" that make aiming in the late game feel very weird.

I stopped playing for the past two weeks or so because of it, I hope they work it out. Besides these performance issues I really like the game (don't want to be a negative nancy).
Looks like it got fixed (or at minimum alleviated a lot) in this update. For one, in a test game (with changelevel, so just minions and me) I'm getting 216 FPS (which is my set cap) only with minor drops to like 180. Either way, FPS on my cap with drops vs. shit FPS with drops is better.

Also, the game doesn't hog all my VRAM anymore, so that probably was the issue. Looks like they did some bandaid fix tbh, but whatever, it seems to work. Can't play an actual game right now to test, but all signs look good. Thanks devs, y'all are great!
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