The Tomekeeper. The Fey Trickster. The Ghost Hunter


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Harold Ruddite's wife was murdered by supernatural circumstances he doesn't fully understand. Since then he's dedicated his life to better understanding the arcane and the supernatural by collecting spellbooks, necronomicons and tomes from around the world. Every now and then, he's helped out the Baxter Society with the knowledge he has accumulated. Eventually, he's become something of a spellbook librarian earning him the nickname The Tomekeeper. But despite all the knowledge he has gathered, he's no closer to uncovering the mystery of his wife's death. But recently he's heard rumours of a particular tome being wielded by a certain detective. And the magical effects from the book sound awfully similar to how his wife died

Wink is a fey that used to lived in relative peace in the forest with her people. But as humans have grown and with it, industrialization and the shrinking of her home, Wink had finally had enough and began to terrorize humans on the outskirts of the Cursed Apple, the veil between the natural and urban world. But despite her pranks and attacks, humans continued to grow and with it their cities and towns. So she'll need to step up her methods to ensure that her people are safe from the evergrowing human threat.

Esme Beaumont used to be an established medium who ran high-profile seances in New York. Then one day, she conducted one of her seances at the same moment the Maelstrom occurred. At that moment, the seance went out of control and spirits began to terrorize her guests. The lights blacked out. The screams echoed off the walls. When it was all over, her guests were massacred. Their blood, flesh and bones strewn about all over the room. The trauma of that night lived forever in Esme's mind. No one had ever heard from her again......until now. Esme has returned. But she's different. She's colder. She doesn't smile as often as she used to. And she seems to care less about communicating with the dead, and more with making sure the dead stay where they belong

1: Sapphire Tome

You open a blue spellbook. You gain a spirit and bullet shield as long as the book is open but you can't attack. The shields disappear once the enemy casts a non-ultimate spell on you. Once the spell hits your shield, the Blue Tome ability is replaced by the ability that targeted you. You keep this ability for one minute or until you cast the spell. The Blue Tome's cooldown remains as is irrespective of the ability swap.

2: Amber Tome

You open a yellow spellbook. When you deal bullet damage to an enemy hero, the golden book records the damage for a certain duration. When you reach a certain amount of damage, the Amber Tome is replaced by the last non-ultimate ability cast by the enemy hero dealt the most damage while the book was open. You keep the ability for one minute or until you use it. The Amber Tome's cooldown remains as is, irrespective of the ability swap

3: Emerald Tome

You open a green spellbook and shoot out a projectile that deals spirit damage to any enemy it hits. If it hits an enemy hero, the Emerald Tome is replaced by the last non-ultimate ability that hero has cast. You keep the ability for one minute or until you cast it. The Emerald Tome's cooldown remains as is

4: Obsidian Tome

You open a black spellbook. After a few seconds of being engulfed in dark magic, the Obsidian Tome is swapped out with a random enemy ultimate ability that is not on cooldown. You keep the ability for one minute or until you cast it. The Obsidian Tome's cooldown remains as is irrespective of the ability swap.

*Note: None of these abilities target passives

1: Tree Guard

You summon a maze of trees surrounding you that can be shot down by ally and enemy heroes

2: Up and Dive

You take to the skies for a duration of time. You can recast by aiming for an enemy or ally and diving towards them, dealing area spirit damage when reaching them if they're an enemy. Recasting or pressing space bar ends the flight duration.

3: Feyshift

You and allies and enemies around you are shifted out of the material plane, making you and surrounding units untargetable for a few seconds. Everyone effected can't move or use abilities either.

4: Bound Power

You place a tether at your location. For the duration of the tether, you gain bonus spirit power, spirit and bullet resist, ability range, ability duration and reduced cooldown on your non-ultimate abilities. Once the duration is over or if you press space bar, you return back to the tethered location. The tether still remains active even after you "Feyshift" and returning back to the tether while shifting will also bring other shifted units to the tether.

1: Reaper's Grasp

You deal spirit damage to an enemy; hero, trooper or neutral. If the damage kills them, you gain double the souls you would normally take.

2: Forestall

Grants a temporary shield to an ally that absorbs all damage. Once the duration ends or if the shield is shot down, the ally takes half the damage the shield has absorbed in spirit damage. Can be self-cast.

3: Storm of Souls

You summon a dozen flying ghosts that attack nearby enemies. They can be shot down by enemy or ally heroes. Allies who shoot down the ghosts receive healing.

4: Second Chance

Targets an ally. If they die in the next few seconds, they come back to life for a period of time with double bullet damage and double spirit power. If they kill an enemy hero in this state, they're revived with half health. Enemies still gain souls from the initial kill. Can be self-cast.

Updated Lore Note: Esme has a vendetta against Death itself, which is why her kit revolves around forestalling it as much as possible