the mirage bug


New member
a bug with the first mirage ability. If you rest your head against the ceiling and use the ability, then the mirage will be behind the texture


I was just going to post about this too. It happened to me twice in the neutral camp basement. Looks like it can happen anywhere which is pretty bad.
Happened to me last night in the underground jungle camp. Completely out of the map lol and when I would fall down into the nothingness it would spawn me back in the room. Easily replicable.
Match id#19387032
Just discovered this too. Happened at the T1 neutral camp on Greenwich/Broadway. Though, as mentioned, it can happen all over the map.
Match ID #20202595 (At about 1:07 - the first pause)

Side Note: Since the game teleports you back to the map, I'd imagine some people can abuse it using magic carpet or other movement abilities to pop up anywhere on the map.
Same thing happened to me as I was chasing a pocket in the bigger camp around the outer lane next to the guardian.
Match ID: 20694755 (Around 47:00).
I was able to see outside but I couldnt shoot outside.