The latest patch broke the controls in the game completely


New member
Literally a patch just came out that broke the controls, jumbled up all the buttons and gives no way to fix it in the game settings. Me and my teammate are having the same problem. It's a bug in the patch
I found what the problem was, but I don't know which config was responsible for the old control settings.

Because of the change in control logic, in the last patch, some players had problems with the controls, because the buttons became contradictory and could not be reassigned because of that.

I just completely reinstalled the game and the problem was solved, even though I lost all my customizations. (Don't forget to delete all the configs that you lose from the game. By default: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Deadlock\).

It seems like I could have just deleted the config and run a file integrity check, but I wasn't sure where it was and didn't have the energy to look for it, so I chose to just uninstall everything and reinstall.
When I threw my autoexec back into the cfg, the control started behaving inadequately again and I realized that the problem was with the command:

cl_input_enable_raw_keyboard 1

I was using this command, for direct keyboard input without antialiasing, but now it breaks the whole control. By setting the value to 0 I solved this problem, but now there are slight delays(