The Drifter - WIP Character Idea


New member
The vibe of the game immediately made me think of Lovecraftian horror. 1920s-ish technology with some kind of supernatural power. It immediately made me think of a board game I had played called Arkham Horror, set in the Cthulhu mythos. There was a playable character in named "Ashcan" Pete, a drifter with a guitar. I adopted a Tom Waits-like voice as I played ol' Ashcan.

That said, a depression-era, gravel voiced, hobo drifter with a spirit infused guitar sounds like a hell of a character to inhabit this world. I haven't put a lot of thought into the abilities, I just wanted to get the idea out there and see what everyone would brainstorm to it.

The Drifter

1: TBD Harass ability - maybe it could be a random draw from his bindle, a collection of throwable items that have different effects on hit.
2: Strum - AOE damage buff or damage resistance buff to adjacent creeps and players.
3: TBD Mobility (Some kind of a blink or a slip, for slipping into back alleys off the lane)
4: TBD Ult