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Valentin is a young demonic reporter who can reach the scene the fastest. He has red skin, a pair of devilish horns, and carries a modified vintage camera.
At first, I just thought it would be really cool to use a camera as a weapon. By incorporating some photographic techniques, you can design a very interesting attack style. This character is similar to Haze, Seven, and Warith in that he can convert economy into damage as a damage-dealing hero. At mid-to-close range, he can deal massive damage to the enemy team. Like my previous hero design, I focused more on utilizing the Z-axis in Deadlock. Also, I think a character who can move quickly across walls and rooftops to get to the news scene in the fastest way should have some physical differences from other characters. I envision him as a young demon similar to Abrams.
Base Bullet Damage: 5 points
Base Fire Rate: 3 photos/second
Base Bullet Speed: 260 m/s

Time lapse
Charged Ability
Base Charge Points: 1 point
Cooldown Interval: 2 seconds
Camera Angle: 20 degrees
Camera Range: 15 meters
Charge Gain per Kill: 33.4%
T1 Upgrade: Grants an additional charge point.
T2 Upgrade: Increases the damage of the camera attack by 50 points and reduces the delay between shots by 0.5 seconds.
T3 Upgrade: Captures the target for 1.5 seconds if the same target is shot continuously within 1.25 seconds.
After a 1.25-second delay, take a shot at all units within the range in front, dealing 80 points of spirit damage and applying a 25% slow effect for 2 seconds.
The design of this ability is more about giving Valentin the so-called "ability to fight on the lane." In the underlying design of DeadLock, I abstracted the concept of laning as everyone throwing various kinds of "mines" to fight. The reason for adding a delay to the damage is that I don't want this ability to be too dominant in lane fights. At the same time, after the T3 upgrade, it can effectively deal damage to single targets in combination with Ability 3.

Exclusive Interview
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Duration: 15 seconds
T1 Upgrade: Within 10 seconds after the end of the exclusive interview, participating in a kill of an enemy character or taking down an enemy tower will provide additional "rewards."
T2 Upgrade: Allows running and jumping on walls during the exclusive interview period.
T3 Upgrade: Immediately refreshes the skill when an enemy tower or hero within 50 meters dies.
Running towards an enemy tower/hero unit increases running speed by 1 m/s.
If the target is a hero, provides an additional 0.25 - 2 m/s running speed based on the target's missing health.
The effect ends immediately upon attacking or taking damage. Running speed receives a minor spirit boost.
The design philosophy of this ability is similar to Haze's second ability, providing high-speed mobility to rush to various battlefields. Since this character's abilities might seem a bit underpowered in the early game—Valentin needs to purchase a significant amount of equipment before he can deal substantial damage—his focus in the early and mid-game will be more on taking down enemy defenses and participating in advantageous team fights. To prevent him from merely "farming" during these phases, I designed an ability upgrade that offers additional rewards. It's like how an exclusive interview by a journalist provides extra "revenue" for the newspaper.
Continuous Shutter
Cooldown: 42 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Camera Angle: 50 degrees
Camera Range: 15 meters
T1 Upgrade: Reduces cooldown by 15 seconds.
T2 Upgrade: Increases spirit damage by 5 points.
T3 Upgrade: Increases camera angle by 55 degrees and camera radius by 2 meters.
Enter Burst Mode, increasing attack speed by 50%.
Each shot deals 2 points of spirit damage to all enemies within the range, with spirit bonuses applied.
The damage from the shots is increased by 30% against targets that are stunned, captured, or silenced.
This skill follows the line-of-sight rules.
The inspiration for this ability comes from the burst shooting function of a camera. When taking continuous shots, it makes a "click-click-click-click-click" sound. I referenced Waritch's third ability and changed the additional damage from single-target to multi-target. By taking photos, it deals damage to all enemies within the specified angle in front of Valentin. This gives Valentin the feeling of taking continuous photos when using this ability. Additionally, since Valentin fights with a camera, players still need to aim at the enemies to focus the damage (from the "bullets" of photos) on the enemy characters to maximize output. In the T3 upgrade, I increased the shooting range and added a mechanism that deals more damage to controlled enemies, allowing Valentin to have strong area-of-effect damage capabilities in the late game.

Hotspot capture
Cooldown: 150 seconds
Camera Angle: 110 degrees
Camera Range: 25 meters
T1 Upgrade: Reduces cooldown by 30 seconds.
T2 Upgrade: Grants an additional jump after participating in a kill.
T3 Upgrade: Increases spell power by 10 points for 5 seconds each time an enemy hero is photographed.
Leap in the specified direction, and upon contacting a wall or the ground, jump again in the specified direction.
Replace the current weapon attack mode with a flashbulb. After pressing the left button, there is a 1.5-second delay before taking a photo of the enemies in front. Enemy units that are photographed will suffer 200 points of spirit damage, have their current actions interrupted, and be silenced for 0.5 to 2 seconds based on the distance between the enemy hero and yourself (the farther the distance, the longer the silence duration). The damage from the photo and the duration of the silence are enhanced by spirit power.
The inspiration for this ability comes from the flashbulbs used in cameras from the last century. They would make a "zzzzt" sound before bursting into a bright flash.I think it would be a great idea to design this as a crowd control ability, but I can't let it be too overpowered. So, I replaced strong control effects like stun or capture with silence. However, as a mid-to-close range combat character, Valentin needs to be on the scene of the battle as soon as it happens. Since Valentin is a "demon," he can have some superhuman mobility. I think the idea of moving quickly to "capture hotspots" is great, so I let him jump into the air and release the ability. This makes the ability more flexible without making it too simple. The forward jump action cannot be canceled, so using it blindly could lead to Valentin's early death. Additionally, I designed a delay for the release. On one hand, this gives both the enemy and the player some room for maneuvering. On the other hand, it can recreate the feeling of taking a photo with an old-fashioned camera—click.

I will update this post and its art design in the future.
At first, I just thought it would be really cool to use a camera as a weapon. By incorporating some photographic techniques, you can design a very interesting attack style. This character is similar to Haze, Seven, and Warith in that he can convert economy into damage as a damage-dealing hero. At mid-to-close range, he can deal massive damage to the enemy team. Like my previous hero design, I focused more on utilizing the Z-axis in Deadlock. Also, I think a character who can move quickly across walls and rooftops to get to the news scene in the fastest way should have some physical differences from other characters. I envision him as a young demon similar to Abrams.
Weapon Names: Scoop Shooter
A modified camera that can fire photographic attacks from its base towards enemies.Base Bullet Damage: 5 points
Base Fire Rate: 3 photos/second
Base Bullet Speed: 260 m/s

Time lapse
Charged Ability
Base Charge Points: 1 point
Cooldown Interval: 2 seconds
Camera Angle: 20 degrees
Camera Range: 15 meters
Charge Gain per Kill: 33.4%
T1 Upgrade: Grants an additional charge point.
T2 Upgrade: Increases the damage of the camera attack by 50 points and reduces the delay between shots by 0.5 seconds.
T3 Upgrade: Captures the target for 1.5 seconds if the same target is shot continuously within 1.25 seconds.
After a 1.25-second delay, take a shot at all units within the range in front, dealing 80 points of spirit damage and applying a 25% slow effect for 2 seconds.
The design of this ability is more about giving Valentin the so-called "ability to fight on the lane." In the underlying design of DeadLock, I abstracted the concept of laning as everyone throwing various kinds of "mines" to fight. The reason for adding a delay to the damage is that I don't want this ability to be too dominant in lane fights. At the same time, after the T3 upgrade, it can effectively deal damage to single targets in combination with Ability 3.

Exclusive Interview
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Duration: 15 seconds
T1 Upgrade: Within 10 seconds after the end of the exclusive interview, participating in a kill of an enemy character or taking down an enemy tower will provide additional "rewards."
T2 Upgrade: Allows running and jumping on walls during the exclusive interview period.
T3 Upgrade: Immediately refreshes the skill when an enemy tower or hero within 50 meters dies.
Running towards an enemy tower/hero unit increases running speed by 1 m/s.
If the target is a hero, provides an additional 0.25 - 2 m/s running speed based on the target's missing health.
The effect ends immediately upon attacking or taking damage. Running speed receives a minor spirit boost.
The design philosophy of this ability is similar to Haze's second ability, providing high-speed mobility to rush to various battlefields. Since this character's abilities might seem a bit underpowered in the early game—Valentin needs to purchase a significant amount of equipment before he can deal substantial damage—his focus in the early and mid-game will be more on taking down enemy defenses and participating in advantageous team fights. To prevent him from merely "farming" during these phases, I designed an ability upgrade that offers additional rewards. It's like how an exclusive interview by a journalist provides extra "revenue" for the newspaper.
Continuous Shutter
Cooldown: 42 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds
Camera Angle: 50 degrees
Camera Range: 15 meters
T1 Upgrade: Reduces cooldown by 15 seconds.
T2 Upgrade: Increases spirit damage by 5 points.
T3 Upgrade: Increases camera angle by 55 degrees and camera radius by 2 meters.
Enter Burst Mode, increasing attack speed by 50%.
Each shot deals 2 points of spirit damage to all enemies within the range, with spirit bonuses applied.
The damage from the shots is increased by 30% against targets that are stunned, captured, or silenced.
This skill follows the line-of-sight rules.
The inspiration for this ability comes from the burst shooting function of a camera. When taking continuous shots, it makes a "click-click-click-click-click" sound. I referenced Waritch's third ability and changed the additional damage from single-target to multi-target. By taking photos, it deals damage to all enemies within the specified angle in front of Valentin. This gives Valentin the feeling of taking continuous photos when using this ability. Additionally, since Valentin fights with a camera, players still need to aim at the enemies to focus the damage (from the "bullets" of photos) on the enemy characters to maximize output. In the T3 upgrade, I increased the shooting range and added a mechanism that deals more damage to controlled enemies, allowing Valentin to have strong area-of-effect damage capabilities in the late game.

Hotspot capture
Cooldown: 150 seconds
Camera Angle: 110 degrees
Camera Range: 25 meters
T1 Upgrade: Reduces cooldown by 30 seconds.
T2 Upgrade: Grants an additional jump after participating in a kill.
T3 Upgrade: Increases spell power by 10 points for 5 seconds each time an enemy hero is photographed.
Leap in the specified direction, and upon contacting a wall or the ground, jump again in the specified direction.
Replace the current weapon attack mode with a flashbulb. After pressing the left button, there is a 1.5-second delay before taking a photo of the enemies in front. Enemy units that are photographed will suffer 200 points of spirit damage, have their current actions interrupted, and be silenced for 0.5 to 2 seconds based on the distance between the enemy hero and yourself (the farther the distance, the longer the silence duration). The damage from the photo and the duration of the silence are enhanced by spirit power.
The inspiration for this ability comes from the flashbulbs used in cameras from the last century. They would make a "zzzzt" sound before bursting into a bright flash.I think it would be a great idea to design this as a crowd control ability, but I can't let it be too overpowered. So, I replaced strong control effects like stun or capture with silence. However, as a mid-to-close range combat character, Valentin needs to be on the scene of the battle as soon as it happens. Since Valentin is a "demon," he can have some superhuman mobility. I think the idea of moving quickly to "capture hotspots" is great, so I let him jump into the air and release the ability. This makes the ability more flexible without making it too simple. The forward jump action cannot be canceled, so using it blindly could lead to Valentin's early death. Additionally, I designed a delay for the release. On one hand, this gives both the enemy and the player some room for maneuvering. On the other hand, it can recreate the feeling of taking a photo with an old-fashioned camera—click.

I will update this post and its art design in the future.