
Items that can spawn as an extra event in mid.

Three imps spawn on a cult circle, as a result of the supernatural in New York. Each one is colored orange, green, and purple, to indicate their alignments with the Weapon, Vitality, and Spirit items. They each hold an artifact, of which can be bought for a costly price... Each item they hold is extremely powerful, takes TWO item slots, and have both MASSIVE upsides and downsides. Each team can only claim one, and claiming one means the other team cannot claim that same one. Plus, owning one of these items makes your respawn time 25 seconds longer. As well, for the massive stat boosts these items provide, each has a Pact and a Curse to it.

"Making deals with demons is not a wise choice, but if this is your means, then as your Patron I must guide you."
"Hey! Don't listen to that babbling old fart! My good pal Lucy has got the stuff for the job!"

Staff of Bael - Weapon item
Cost: 30,000 souls - 1,000 per 4,000 bullet damage done to enemy heroes this game
-35% Base Health
-35% Base Spirit Damage
+75% Base Bullet Damage
"Bael can provide you with just the goods to backstab everyone you know! Make sure to feed him though!"
With the guidance of king Bael, you'll become the invisible of man. You can ride enemy ziplines as if they were your own. Riding ziplines this way activates Stealth. You'll also enter Stealth after 15 seconds of not firing your weapon, which will disable after 3 seconds of firing your weapon, or instantly if meleeing. Minions will now target you in stealth with increased fervor.
Bael grows hungry for sustenance. Every time you heal from any source (lifesteal, healing items, or effects/other boons), gain a stack of Fervor. For each fervor you own, lifesteal becomes 2% less effective, multiplicatively. The stacks last 60 seconds, and gaining new stacks refreshes the duration of old stacks.

Malphas' Bricklayer - Vitality item
Cost: 30,000 souls - 1,000 per 3,500 total damage taken from enemy heroes this game
-35% Base Bullet damage
-35% Base Spirit damage
+75% Base Health
"Ooh, my dear Malphas! The castles he builds are amongst the strongest and most glorious! I'm sure your skin could use some of his clay."
With the guidance of President Malphas, your image will be an impenetrable fort. Each time you take damage, become invulnerable based on the amount of health lost. (Minimum 0.25s for 1 damage, Maximum 3 seconds for 33% of your health. Scales linearly.) If you are somehow Stunned, Slept, or Disarmed, this ability takes no effect.
Malphas can't tear down anyone else's image while working on yours. All outgoing damage you deal is further reduced in proportion to the enemy's missing HP. (1% damage reduction for 1% HP missing in target.)

Paw of Aamon - Spirit item
Cost: 30,000 souls - 1,000 per 5,000 spirit damage done to enemy heroes this game
-35% Base Health
-35% Base Bullet Damage
+75% Base Spirit Damage
"Aamon? Ah, yes. His image is great in our circles; we're all his friends and we don't know why. But fear not, you'll see even more than I!"
With the guidance of grand marquis Aamon, you now have a grasp of the Past and Future. All your abilities gain +1 charge, at the cost of abilities recharging 300% slower if all charges are exhumed. Using an ability's last charge also imbues an extra bonus of 10% of the enemy(ies) hit's Max HP as damage on the first hit of the ability.
Aamon wreaks havoc on your bond with your friendship to life. Each hero kill will also PERMANENTLY subtract 15% of your Max Life, which will be reset upon death.

This is just an idea for some other super high-end abilities that have a SIGNIFICANT cost, upside, and downside to them. Their abilities are a bit all-over-the-place, but they still sound like fun additions to the mix. Of course they may or may not be balanced, but really. The true balance to abilities is how to teamplay against them.