The Cube can always only be canceled by friendly heroes using the "Cancel Key" even if they have canceling set to "Ability Key" in settings.
Also, for many, but not all, abilities, canceling the cube always cancels the ability, even if "Ability Key" is used for canceling (and thus has a separate bind).
However, these abilities can be canceled without canceling cube using the ability key.
Below is a list of ability interactions with The Cube that either have inconsistent behavior or have bugs.
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Also, for many, but not all, abilities, canceling the cube always cancels the ability, even if "Ability Key" is used for canceling (and thus has a separate bind).
However, these abilities can be canceled without canceling cube using the ability key.
Below is a list of ability interactions with The Cube that either have inconsistent behavior or have bugs.
- Bebop
- Hyper Beam: Visuals continue but deal no damage. Can still aim. Can't cancel cube separately.
- Hook: Isn't canceled and can still grab/pull heroes.
- Haze
- Bullet Dance: Visuals continue but deal no damage. Can't cancel cube separately
- Infernus
- Concussive Combustion: Continues and deals damage.
- Ivy:
- Air Drop: Cube can be canceled Separately. If cubed during start up, can continue to fly. Can't turn, but can go up and down. If cubed during flight, falls to the ground. Can continue Air Drop but can no longer fly afterwards.
- Kelvin:
- Ice Path: Cube can't be canceled separately. Can use Ice Path while already cubed.
- Arctic Beam: Cube can't be canceled separately.
- Frozen Shelter. Cube can't be canceled separately. Can use Frozen Shelter while already cubed.
- Lady Geist:
- Life Drain: Deals no damage. Cube can be canceled separately.
- Lash:
- Death Slam: Prevents focus on targets not already connected. Cancels throw if cubed during it. However, connected targets can be thrown if cubed after they connect but before they are thrown.
- McGinnis:
- Spectral Wall: Cube can be canceled separately.
- Spectral Barrage: Still deals damage. Can't be canceled separately.
- Dynamo:
- Quantum Entanglement: Can be used just before cube kicks in. Causes the cube to appear at the end of the path.
- Singularity: Still works and deals damage. Can be used while already cubed.
- Mirage:
- Traveler: Cube can't be canceled separately.
- Mo & Krill
- Burrow: Cube can't be canceled separately.
- Combo: Still stuns, but deals no damage. Cube can't be canceled separately.
- Paradox:
- Paradoxical Swap: Still works and deals damage.
- Pocket:
- Affliction: Still applies debuff.
- Enchanter's Satchel: Can be cubed during start up. Still deals damage.
- Seven:
- Storm Cloud: Visuals continue but deals no damage. Cube can't be canceled separately.
- Vindicta:
- Assassinate: Does not unscope. Charge visual appears empty while cubed, but goes to fully charged when canceling cube.
- Warden:
- Last Stand: Visuals continue but deals no damage.
- Shiv:
- Slice and Dice: appears to be targetable during it, but will immediately cancel cube and refund its cooldown. (See video below)
- Killing Blow: Continues movement and can kill.
- Wrecker:
- Astral Projection: Cube can't be canceled separately.
- Fathom:
- Reefdweller Harpoon: Doesn't cancel only if cubed before the harpoon lands. Cube can't be canceled separately if this happens.
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