The Crater


New member
The crater is a simple 1250 soul item that is used to open crates around you. It also has the side effect of making everything fall out of the sky. This is an active item that creates a cylinder around you that goes all the way up to the skybox, scaling in diameter with range. When activated, it creates a pulse that pulls all characters downwards. It fires off immediately when cast, and then 2 more times 2 seconds apart, 3 total. The pulse deals a flat 40 damage, opening crates as intended, and a spirit-scaling amount of damage based on fall distance for everyone who was not on the ground. Characters who were caught in the pulse can also not use their jump for 2 seconds, which scales with duration extender. You can still dash or use movement abilities after being cratered, but, you cannot dash jump.

The item is intended to be a less oppressive counter to Lash, Vindicta, Grey Talon, and Majestic Leap compared to items like Slowing Hex and Silencer; and a soft counter to Seven's ult, Ivy's ult, Wraith, Pocket and Dynamo's teleports. Instead of stopping them from moving altogether, it just puts them back on the ground if you get under them, for characters who have no vertical gameplay but alot of horizontal gameplay, such as Viscous, Warden, Infernus, and Abrams. The pulsing is specifically to stop Lash from jumping again after being pulled down though. The lack of CC on the item is because it's intended to be a nuking item when it successfully pulls people down.