The burst fire curiosity procs anytime it is not on cooldown and the weapon is firing.


New member
1. From the main menu, enter the hero sandbox as Grey Talon.
2. Purchase the 'burst fire' curiosity from the Curiosity Shop.
3. Empty your magazine into the target dummy.
4. Reload, then empty the magazine into the target dummy.

Actual Results:
The actual fire rate of your weapon will vary at different points in the magazine as the burst fire curisoity will re-proc anytime you are firing and it is not on cooldown.

Additional Information:
Repro rate: 100%
Additionally, this curiosity is not adjusted for magazine size or weapon type. It is possible to empty entire weapon magazines before enhanced fire rate is removed.

Expected Results:
The 'burst fire' curiosity only procs at the beginning of a magazine or for a few shots after a weapon is fired.

