Terrible matchmaking in the game. There’s no skill-based system implemented.


Active member
In almost every match, either on my team or the opposing team, there are players with zero experience (weak players). Why is there still no skill-based matchmaking in the game? Why should an experienced player be matched with beginners? You’re ruining the experience for both experienced players and newbies who don’t know how to play at all.

Why hasn’t a system been implemented yet to analyze players' skill levels and place them in games where they can play comfortably at their own level?

The matchmaking system is absolutely terrible.

In almost every match, either on my team or the opposing team, there are players with zero experience (weak players). Why is there still no skill-based matchmaking in the game? Why should an experienced player be matched with beginners? You’re ruining the experience for both experienced players and newbies who don’t know how to play at all.

Why hasn’t a system been implemented yet to analyze players' skill levels and place them in games where they can play comfortably at their own level?

The matchmaking system is absolutely terrible.

View attachment 34994

I think they gone away from Skill based MMR and implemented just plain "true" MMR. And as long as there is only 12k-18k online(depending on hours) i think the spread between ranks are very wide for now.

For example beginers can play in ritualist lobby etc. Thats true.

As always dont forget it is not even beta release

Also it feels like the game intentionaly time to time create unwinable matches. Probably it is to keep you grinding, because totaly unwinable match create huge frustratiuon and create willing to revenge / start another match.

Thats an old trick ,but it seems they using it in Deadlock.

So it feels game intentionaly create couple matches where you just cant win. It is on every rank including highest Eternus 6
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this isnt a bug but a result of the player base as stated above
slightly confused about even circling vin as they have half your player damage, 15 assists, one kill,
and twice the obj damage