Temporarily Reveal recently damaged enemies through walls


Active member
Could be an active, or a passive with some conditions, like a certain amount of damage done, range, etc.

Some characters are so mobile that it's easy for them to get away on low health, it's a bit niche right now, but will be increasingly useful we get more invis abilities in the future [I see a few heroes with invis abilities in the console].
Resurrected Bloodhound Head - 1,250 cost Weapon Active
+15% Ammo
+5% Fire Rate
ACTIVE (45s Cooldown)
Upon using this item, send out a pulse radiating from your position. Reveal enemies based on their Max HP and how far the pulse travels.
[-4% Max HP Detection per Meter] [25m Max Range] [Reveal time 10s]

Basically, say an enemy is 10 meters from you. If they have 60% Max HP or less (-40% Max from total), it'll reveal them for 10 seconds. If an enemy is 22 meters from you and at 5% Max HP (Less than 12% Max HP detect (4*22=88, 100-88=12) ), it'll reveal them for 10 seconds as well.

Kind of hard to decipher from the ability tooltip, but without an example it's REALLY difficult to explain that detection system concisely.