Team Composition?

I have many complaints about the match making, but most I assume I have to be patient about. But the big issue is what seems like the very random hero composition of each team.
It seems to me that there ought to be very obvious balance when it comes to team compositions, whether its a draft or certain heros cant be stacked together. An example, I dont think a team should have warden, abrams, and mo and krill on the same team. Amongst my friend group we generally just get tilted and say gg go next.
Beyond the fact that all three are not fun to play against in the slightest, not being able to kill them unless your whole team is in on them is just sad. Especially when most games have people with no mics who solo the entire game.

Really addicted to this game already, but it gets old quickly when I have to gamble each game when it comes to the team I am going to be up against. I have 6 heros chosen and it seems pretty stupid I que up and get all tanks on enemy team and my team has a yamato, haze, infernus and pocket. The fact I cant leave either knowing i am going to waste the next 30 mins of my life is pretty annoying too.

At the very least allow for surrender system, or I am just going to have to use my built in surrender, alt+f4 :(
I generally don't think tanky heroes is a problem in this game. I probably haven't played enough to understand how much of an issue it can become. With that said I still imagine a team of tanky heroes aren't really good at dealing bursts of damage, so you can choose to ignore them, outfarm them and invest in damage items.
I generally don't think tanky heroes is a problem in this game. I probably haven't played enough to understand how much of an issue it can become. With that said I still imagine a team of tanky heroes aren't really good at dealing bursts of damage, so you can choose to ignore them, outfarm them and invest in damage items.
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Healbane, toxic bullets, and decay are also needed vs tanky lineups. I think an open draft like this is perfectly fine in a more casual matchmaking mode. If they add a ranked mode i would like to see a draft where each team takes turns picking
Yeah, that's still one problem the devs have to work with. Even in bot matches, the team composition already has a huge effect in how the game would play out. Imagine McGinnis, Seven and Vindicta versus Mo and Krill, Ivy and other support-oriented heroes lol.
Yeah, that's still one problem the devs have to work with. Even in bot matches, the team composition already has a huge effect in how the game would play out. Imagine McGinnis, Seven and Vindicta versus Mo and Krill, Ivy and other support-oriented heroes lol.
Mo and Krill and Ivy can definitely carry if they need to. Every character is pretty flexible with what roll they can play
Healbane, toxic bullets, and decay are also needed vs tanky lineups. I think an open draft like this is perfectly fine in a more casual matchmaking mode. If they add a ranked mode i would like to see a draft where each team takes turns picking
its either game economy isnt there yet, or balance, but its kind of hard to farm all needed items when games are 20-30 mins each, and if i counter buy for some heroes i feel like im weak, especially if i really need to invenst into protection items, enemies will outfarm me with just buying damage purly and still bust thought all of my shields. i think pick/bans wouls just fix lots of composition issuels.
its either game economy isnt there yet, or balance, but its kind of hard to farm all needed items when games are 20-30 mins each, and if i counter buy for some heroes i feel like im weak, especially if i really need to invenst into protection items, enemies will outfarm me with just buying damage purly and still bust thought all of my shields. i think pick/bans wouls just fix lots of composition
What characters are you playing? What active items are you buying against the heroes you struggle against? If you look at end game graphs do you tend to win or lose your lane? Im just not sold on composition or economy being the main reason why you are losing
its either game economy isnt there yet, or balance, but its kind of hard to farm all needed items when games are 20-30 mins each, and if i counter buy for some heroes i feel like im weak, especially if i really need to invenst into protection items, enemies will outfarm me with just buying damage purly and still bust thought all of my shields. i think pick/bans wouls just fix lots of composition issuels.
Choosing when to counter buy or stick to your build seems pretty balanced to me right now. Also, the current way draft works in the game removes a lot of toxicity other games face, where people demand certain picks from others. They can't make the same demands, when the game begins with everyone already drafted.

When they add ranked, they can have proper draft with pick/ban phase. But casual should remain casual.
What characters are you playing? What active items are you buying against the heroes you struggle against? If you look at end game graphs do you tend to win or lose your lane? Im just not sold on composition or economy being the main reason why you are losing
Lady Geist mostly, and others every now and then like warden, haze etc. Almost always win my lane or at least not lose it, i tend to farm first 10 mins without going crazy it theres no opportunities. So if someone there on other lane feeds (no matter which team) it creates a pretty nasty gap right away, so i gotta spend my extras either on dmg or some counters items. I mean there's many factors that can affect the game, but picks and bans surely would fix most of the problems, and i know that devs doesnt wanna just let us ban some meta in the alpha game where they need all the info they could get lol. so if the game is supposed to be 20-30 min long tops, and you stick up with lvl 1-2 items for the most slots or maybe couple of 3-4 but most of the empty slots, then game economy isnt there for me, if those games are snowballs in either sides, then game balance isnt there yet. or maybe players just dont understand that losing teamfights over and over just widens the gap of souls and narrows the window for comeback, well then idk, its a team based game lol.
Im just not sold on composition or economy being the main reason why you are losing
well not just losing, winning also. i mean we're either snowballing them, or they us. some of the games are close, yea.
The fun of a casual game is the freedom to choose what character to play. It'll be very sad if "roles" become a compulsory thing. Almost certainly pick and ban phases will be implemented for the competitive players. Hopefully they'll choose to play with teammates who are on the same page.