T4 Crowd Clearing Item for Mages - Astral Rippling


New member
Astral Rippling
Cost - 6250
Imbue ability with power to trigger an explosion that deals damage and applies stack of reducing spirit resist to enemies hit.
+ 15 Spirit power
+8% ability range
+1 m/s Move Speed

Explosion range - 7.5 m
Max frequency per target - 0.3 s
Damage - 15 * 0.2 spirit Power
-2% Spirit resist on stack
Stack duration 10 s
10 max stacks per target


This is something in between Ricochet and Mystic Reverb. While the latter deals burst damage and applies movement slow in a large area, this item would be great to boost sustained damage against crowds with heroes that have DoT or AoE abilities.
Astral rippling big.png