T2 Weapon Item: DIVEBOMB


New member
This item idea came to me in a dream.


Divebomb (1250) [+10% Weapon Damage]

+75 Bonus Health
10% Air Jump/Dash Distance
10% Velocity on Down-Dash

|Passive| (
Your next Down-Dash (double-tap crouch) travels 50% faster and releases an explosion on landing that deals Spirit Damage, popping enemies up into the air and Slowing them.

Enemies directly struck take quadruple damage.

25 Spirit Damage (0.4x Spirit Scaling)
25% Movement Slow (Conditional)
Max Damage (Conditional)
8m Radius
3s Duration

Down-Dashes (I'm not aware of there being any official term for this move) are really fun to play with, helping you descend quickly to get the jump on an opponent, or just help you go from rooftop to ground floor a bit quicker. I thought it would be fun to push this move's offensive power to a more comical extreme, allowing for a vertical option to start fights.

The Divebomb has you fly towards the ground, causing a small launch around you when you land, leaving enemies vulnerable for a short period for you take advantage of. The damage of the divebomb itself is pretty low, the slow is fairly small, and the launch would only keep people airborne for about a second, making the bomb itself not too scary. The real power comes from the combos it enables. Anyone could use this moment of throwing unsuspecting adversaries into the air to take some nice potshots at them, but there is also the potential of combining this with different character abilities or even just a melee strike, as you these actions can be prepped as you're falling. Get a nice burst of damage in right before the Divebomb connects, then finish off your wounded foe as they're helplessly sent flying!

To compensate for this power, the radius of the Divebomb is fairly small (something like 5m could be more appropriate), and the Down-Dash sending you almost straight downward normally limits your ability to just walk up to people and slam them. Some setup (and likely multiple stamina) will be required to get maximum benefit from this move, such as using a Dash-Jump or a Dash off a transit line to get into position, or ambushing from above with proper timing. Unlike something like Kinetic Dash, Divebomb would still require 1 Stamina to perform, so you need to be careful to not get in your enemy's face without a plan if things go south.

If you're truly savvy at lining up the perfect shot however, the Divebomb comes with a bonus ability to do quadruple damage if you land a direct hit on your target (could be collision boxes intersecting on landing or something), rewarding those with good timing and positioning with incredible burst damage on top of enabling big combos. The base damage and scaling of the Divebomb is intentionally pretty low because of this, allowing for a major damage spike early, but falling off somewhat as the game goes on.

If you only want the utility, then Divebomb still provides the ever-useful buff to Air Dash and Air Dash distance. Even a small increase like this is great to have for just getting around faster or making you harder to hit in fights. Even if the explosive attack isn't online, you'll always have faster Down-Dashes to make descending that much quicker whenever you need it.

-This item aims to first and foremost offer a new quirky way to approach the game, opening the door for "combos" of sorts and providing a new way to interact with newly introduced verticality to this game. Not that it was never there, but I find myself using rooftops and harassing people from above more than ever with the new rooftops that were opened up and the new ropes that can be climbed up.
-If nothing else, I hope the ability fall faster than currently available is explored. When using Down-Dashes to descend from the rooftops, it is a bit unsatisfying just having a burst of speed down and then just slowly descending.
-When dropping off a transit line, try using an Air Dash and then immediately Down-Dashing. The results are very fun to play with.
-Beyond the movement, having a move that behaves differently depending on where/how you hit it would be cool, which is seen here where direct hits reward bonus damage. Would be cool to see some character skills or items make use of something like this in the future.

Artist depiction of the ideal scenario of using Divebomb: