T2 Vitality Item - Sprouting Seed

Sprouting Seed
§ 1,250

+2.5 Health Regen
+1m/s Sprint Speed

Passive 420s:
From the moment you purchase the item, the seed starts growing in your inventory for 420 seconds. When the seed is fully grown, it will automatically disappear from your items and you will receive +750 Souls, as well as permanently +15 Spirit Power, +100 Bonus Health, +2.5 Health Regen, and +1m/s Sprint Speed.
The duration of the sprouting cannot be reduced.
Cannot be purchased more than once.
Womp Womp.

A risk and reward item like this sounds interesting but this currently has a bit of a wonky design:
  • No need for a "seed" theme, how would a seed grow in your pocket? would this even have any visuals? deadlock items are pretty straightforward in what they do from their name to their effect (slowing bullets makes your bullet slow), could just do with a "Stat scaler" name
  • No need for this to even be an item, seems more like an objective similar to urn, it's basically urn but doesn't silence you and instead of delivering, you just need to hold onto it when it pops
    • If you do however want this to be an item, there's no need to remove it from your inventory, why remove it and then say you can't buy another one? freeing a slot seems unnecessary, items are supposed to fill your item slots unless you sell them.
    • Instead, the stats it provides can just stick to the item instead "After 5 minutes of owning this item, this gains +x movement speed, health, spirit power" etc.
A risk and reward item like this sounds interesting but this currently has a bit of a wonky design:
  • No need for a "seed" theme, how would a seed grow in your pocket? would this even have any visuals? deadlock items are pretty straightforward in what they do from their name to their effect (slowing bullets makes your bullet slow), could just do with a "Stat scaler" name
  • No need for this to even be an item, seems more like an objective similar to urn, it's basically urn but doesn't silence you and instead of delivering, you just need to hold onto it when it pops
    • If you do however want this to be an item, there's no need to remove it from your inventory, why remove it and then say you can't buy another one? freeing a slot seems unnecessary, items are supposed to fill your item slots unless you sell them.
    • Instead, the stats it provides can just stick to the item instead "After 5 minutes of owning this item, this gains +x movement speed, health, spirit power" etc.
Basically, an item like this could work if done similarly to items like this from dota: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Null_Talisman
There's a few items like this, they upgrade their stats automatically after minute 25 of the game.
Anything that boosts income is almost always a mandatory buy, but I like the rest of it.
Yes, I agree. But I meant it as a comeback item. I actually think he doesn't even need base stats, just make a naked item that gives nice bonuses for waiting a long time.
Just imagine that you have a very hard start and you, poor guy, need to somehow endure the pressure from enemies and farm items:
Sprouting Seed would help you to gain a little advantage against your opponents, since you don't have many items and you can easily buy this item on 3-4 minutes and get nice bonuses 7 minutes later.
But would a rich player who wants to get core items as soon as possible to build up power rather than get a naked item that gives you stats ONLY after 7 minutes buy this item? I think more likely no than yes
A risk and reward item like this sounds interesting but this currently has a bit of a wonky design:
  • No need for a "seed" theme, how would a seed grow in your pocket? would this even have any visuals? deadlock items are pretty straightforward in what they do from their name to their effect (slowing bullets makes your bullet slow), could just do with a "Stat scaler" name
  • No need for this to even be an item, seems more like an objective similar to urn, it's basically urn but doesn't silence you and instead of delivering, you just need to hold onto it when it pops
    • If you do however want this to be an item, there's no need to remove it from your inventory, why remove it and then say you can't buy another one? freeing a slot seems unnecessary, items are supposed to fill your item slots unless you sell them.
    • Instead, the stats it provides can just stick to the item instead "After 5 minutes of owning this item, this gains +x movement speed, health, spirit power" etc.
I wrote that this item can't be bought more than once, as it would be too strong that already in 21 minutes you could quietly get almost free +45 Spirit Power. But I like your presented option with the item not being for sale, but after X amount of time, giving some bonuses. Sounds more competent
Yes, I agree. But I meant it as a comeback item. I actually think he doesn't even need base stats, just make a naked item that gives nice bonuses for waiting a long time.
Just imagine that you have a very hard start and you, poor guy, need to somehow endure the pressure from enemies and farm items:
Sprouting Seed would help you to gain a little advantage against your opponents, since you don't have many items and you can easily buy this item on 3-4 minutes and get nice bonuses 7 minutes later.
But would a rich player who wants to get core items as soon as possible to build up power rather than get a naked item that gives you stats ONLY after 7 minutes buy this item? I think more likely no than yes
I think the use case for the item, at least for me, would be to rush it as your first purchase if your lane's going well.
So a free 700+ souls and a bunch of free stats, just for doing nothing out of the ordinary or even taking risk? This would be a must-buy in it's current state. Thing is, players that are behind wouldn't want to buy an item like this so they can get put behind even further. This makes for a terrible comeback mechanic that would be better abused by teams who already are ahead to get free value without having to take any risk that might throw away their lead.
So a free 700+ souls and a bunch of free stats, just for doing nothing out of the ordinary or even taking risk?
Bare in mind, you're spending 1250 to get it, so you aren't getting a direct increase in souls. You're basically spending 750 souls for a bunch of golden statues.

I think the idea is unique, which can be good and bad. The idea of an item taking up a slot for some time so it can repay you later is neat, but those 7 minutes will pass pretty quickly, it's going to be bought early so it's likely not going to take up a slot you need, and this benefits players who are ahead more then players who are behind, since the players ahead can afford to invest in the item.
Bare in mind, you're spending 1250 to get it, so you aren't getting a direct increase in souls. You're basically spending 750 souls for a bunch of golden statues.

I think the idea is unique, which can be good and bad. The idea of an item taking up a slot for some time so it can repay you later is neat, but those 7 minutes will pass pretty quickly, it's going to be bought early so it's likely not going to take up a slot you need, and this benefits players who are ahead more then players who are behind, since the players ahead can afford to invest in the item.
Yeah, I'm having trouble making this item work in favor of the team that's behind rather than the team that's ahead in net worth.

But I wanted to make it so that the threshold for buying an item was high (so that it wouldn't be like everyone buys this item), but then you would get a reward (bought for 1250, got 750, ended up spending 500). And also so that this item would take up a slot and at the same time be temporarily useless. So, you temporarily sacrifice your slot, but then after a while you get bonuses on stats. This item is needed to buy it quickly at the beginning of the game, it's not for late purchase