Swap Current Souls with Opponent

You can obviously see by the soul ball size, that guy carrying over 800 souls. So this is free money and a lot of mental pressure from single item, too good as right now only curse prohibit item usage and it needs to land.
I like this idea and how the item is kinda self countering, if some one abuses it you could just buy the item yourself or avoid getting close. It might also be useable to help shut down some one stealing all the jungle camps. some ideas so the item could fit the theme of the game
  • mischievous imp friend that floats near character to give visual that they have the item
  • pickpockets gloves
  • sticky finger balm
i had some other ideas building off of this
  • if we wanted to tweak the ability a bit you have it be gamblers die so you activate the item then there are odds if you get all the souls or not. this way the item strength could be adjusted.
  • you could make the item a consumable one time use, this way the net amount of souls goes down every use to help make abusing the item to stack souls less appealing.
  • you could let it swap or remove the rejuvenator buff as a way to counter mid boss takes
  • you could weaken the item by making it just drop the orb of souls, this way there is a window where it can be counter played on the victims end. for this im imagining a cursed tag you place on the enemy that causes the orb to drop off after a short delay.
  • allow item to also take the spirit urn as another way to make them drop it, this might be less relevant now that heavy melees cause it to drop.
  • this one might be more appropriate as an upgrade but a jar of bugs or pixies or something. you open the jar and the critters go to all enemies in a radius around you and slowly drain the enemy unsecured souls back to you. it might be interesting if they changed all or some percentage of the collected souls to secured souls.
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Similar to Lady Geist health swap but this does swap the amount of souls each player is currently carrying
I like this idea and how the item is kinda self countering, if some one abuses it you could just buy the item yourself or avoid getting close. It might also be useable to help shut down some one stealing all the jungle camps. some ideas so the item could fit the theme of the game
  • mischievous imp friend that floats near character to give visual that they have the item
  • pickpockets gloves
  • sticky finger balm
i had some other ideas building off of this
  • if we wanted to tweak the ability a bit you have it be gamblers die so you activate the item then there are odds if you get all the souls or not. this way the item strength could be adjusted.
  • you could make the item a consumable one time use, this way the net amount of souls goes down every use to help make abusing the item to stack souls less appealing.
  • you could let it swap or remove the rejuvenator buff as a way to counter mid boss takes
  • you could weaken the item by making it just drop the orb of souls, this way there is a window where it can be counter played on the victims end. for this im imagining a cursed tag you place on the enemy that causes the orb to drop off after a short delay.
  • allow item to also take the spirit urn as another way to make them drop it, this might be less relevant now that heavy melees cause it to drop.
  • this one might be more appropriate as an upgrade but a jar of bugs or pixies or something. you open the jar and the critters go to all enemies in a radius around you and slowly drain the enemy unsecured souls back to you. it might be interesting if they changed all or some percentage of the collected souls to secured souls.
Item would be far too oppressive, even as a 6200 item. Unsecured souls are unsecured for a reason, they are the player's souls but you can kill them if you want the souls. Ontop of that, an item that requires you to also own the item to counter it is awful design, when designing an item / ability it is most important to consider if its fun to fight against, rather than fun to use. This is because you are much more likely to have the item used against YOU rather than you use it against the enemy.
Item would be far too oppressive, even as a 6200 item. Unsecured souls are unsecured for a reason, they are the player's souls but you can kill them if you want the souls. Ontop of that, an item that requires you to also own the item to counter it is awful design, when designing an item / ability it is most important to consider if its fun to fight against, rather than fun to use. This is because you are much more likely to have the item used against YOU rather than you use it against the enemy.
The idea was to actually swap current souls in possession not the unsecured souls, the idea is to be able to use it when you are getting stomped and you feel like the enemy has lots of unused souls or they have already used all their available slots.
The idea was to actually swap current souls in possession not the unsecured souls, the idea is to be able to use it when you are getting stomped and you feel like the enemy has lots of unused souls or they have already used all their available slots.
That idea is even more awful. Secured souls are meant to be secured. Plus, the item would need to be insanely priced, because about 2 or 3 usages would pay it off twofold if you use it right at 6200.
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