Surge Of Power Nerfed?


Im seeing Surge of Power only providing a +34 boost now when previously it was 50+. At first I thought perhaps it scaled with my total spirit damage, and what is why it was displaying this way. I checked through the patch notes but cannot find its nerf. Previously it was a great option over boundless spirit (not that you wouldn't get both) due to its price point. But now buying it as a short stop over Improved spirit is much less value rather than geting improved spirit to then purchase boundless sooner. Now when we compare this item to other items in its price point, just look at whats its up against for only a +34 to ONE ability instead of improved spirit to every ability you have. It has only +75 health on it, and the movement speed most is nearly moot when considering fleet footwork is being played on every single hero due to its cheap cost, broken passive, and massive farming/rotating edge. Other items in its class may have less spirit damage, but most of them have 3-4 additional stats. Superior Duration with even +175 HP. Silence has a burst that would on average deal more damage then an ability imbued with surge of power would get, because it scales with your spirit.

Anyhow, loved this item for awhile, but cutting 38% of its power down makes a lot less appealing when we have limited slots. Maybe it is ideal for less heros now that dont require as many items from Weapon/Vitality. The question is now when would the right timing be over stronger items, saving your money to get a 6k monster. Prob not that often.
Im seeing Surge of Power only providing a +34 boost now when previously it was 50+. At first I thought perhaps it scaled with my total spirit damage, and what is why it was displaying this way. I checked through the patch notes but cannot find its nerf. Previously it was a great option over boundless spirit (not that you wouldn't get both) due to its price point. But now buying it as a short stop over Improved spirit is much less value rather than geting improved spirit to then purchase boundless sooner. Now when we compare this item to other items in its price point, just look at whats its up against for only a +34 to ONE ability instead of improved spirit to every ability you have. It has only +75 health on it, and the movement speed most is nearly moot when considering fleet footwork is being played on every single hero due to its cheap cost, broken passive, and massive farming/rotating edge. Other items in its class may have less spirit damage, but most of them have 3-4 additional stats. Superior Duration with even +175 HP. Silence has a burst that would on average deal more damage then an ability imbued with surge of power would get, because it scales with your spirit.

Anyhow, loved this item for awhile, but cutting 38% of its power down makes a lot less appealing when we have limited slots. Maybe it is ideal for less heros now that dont require as many items from Weapon/Vitality. The question is now when would the right timing be over stronger items, saving your money to get a 6k monster. Prob not that often.
Its mostly for burst mages that want to get out after doing their combo, still a bargain for ms and 30+ spirit power for 3k souls. Probably was nerfed for being too good for its price. I didnt get to see it before nerf.
Its mostly for burst mages that want to get out after doing their combo, still a bargain for ms and 30+ spirit power for 3k souls. Probably was nerfed for being too good for its price. I didnt get to see it before nerf.
Def nerfed for that reason. I think it could use a little omf on it. Because those same mages can get improved spirit that will effect their entire combo, getting 23 instead of +35, and getting +100 health +1ms +3 health regen. So these mages like Pocket deal more damage with their entire kit with improved spirit. His ultimate to be specific, gets a much bigger power jump with improved spirit, rather than surge of power going into his satchel or his cloak. Overall improved spirit will deal more damage for combo mages, aside from heros like bebop. Who sure could get the quick +12 extra spirit over improved for his bomb. But is +12 extra spirit worth slowing down boundless spirit (+60) and only getting the +12 on your explosive, instead of getting +21 (12 less) on his bomb, on his ultimate, and the rest of his kit? Prob not. When you spend some time in sandbox mode testing damage of a single ability vs entire kit combo and overall value of stats. It is made clear a 3k sink away from boundless spirit is a bit of a waste if you have the opportunity to just farm the remainder or purchase another spirit item of 3k cost for all of its benefits.
Def nerfed for that reason. I think it could use a little omf on it. Because those same mages can get improved spirit that will effect their entire combo, getting 23 instead of +35, and getting +100 health +1ms +3 health regen. So these mages like Pocket deal more damage with their entire kit with improved spirit. His ultimate to be specific, gets a much bigger power jump with improved spirit, rather than surge of power going into his satchel or his cloak. Overall improved spirit will deal more damage for combo mages, aside from heros like bebop. Who sure could get the quick +12 extra spirit over improved for his bomb. But is +12 extra spirit worth slowing down boundless spirit (+60) and only getting the +12 on your explosive, instead of getting +21 (12 less) on his bomb, on his ultimate, and the rest of his kit? Prob not. When you spend some time in sandbox mode testing damage of a single ability vs entire kit combo and overall value of stats. It is made clear a 3k sink away from boundless spirit is a bit of a waste if you have the opportunity to just farm the remainder or purchase another spirit item of 3k cost for all of its benefits.
Improved spirit gets sprint speed(actives when you get enough time without damage and running), Surge of power gets you more and general movement speed which allows you to run away without sprint speed proc. Big difference.
Improved spirit gets sprint speed(actives when you get enough time without damage and running), Surge of power gets you more and general movement speed which allows you to run away without sprint speed proc. Big difference.
Sure. Not enough to make it significantly better tho. Who isnt running fleet footwork anyways? Its passive is absolutely busted and the earlier you get it the higher your win % due to how well it farms, rotates, and split pushes. So movment speed isnt something anyone needs to dedicate much buying power to as a sub-stat. Sprint items in vitality sure. The boost is quality of life with SOP but what made the item desirable was not its speed. It was the big boy version of the burst bump you get from Quicksilver. A item imbue that makes your primary burst ability a monster at a crazy good tempo price. I would argue now that would be completing boundless spirit in the same way for many range weapon heros tempo farming glass cannon/lucky shot/siphon bullets. Thats where your power spike is. SOP now leaves more to be desired when picking up improved spirit on average will make your entire combo deal more damage since the spirit applies to your entire hero.
Sure. Not enough to make it significantly better tho. Who isnt running fleet footwork anyways? Its passive is absolutely busted and the earlier you get it the higher your win % due to how well it farms, rotates, and split pushes. So movment speed isnt something anyone needs to dedicate much buying power to as a sub-stat. Sprint items in vitality sure. The boost is quality of life with SOP but what made the item desirable was not its speed. It was the big boy version of the burst bump you get from Quicksilver. A item imbue that makes your primary burst ability a monster at a crazy good tempo price. I would argue now that would be completing boundless spirit in the same way for many range weapon heros tempo farming glass cannon/lucky shot/siphon bullets. Thats where your power spike is. SOP now leave more to be desired when picking up improved spirit on average will make your entire combo deal more damage since the spirit applies to your entire hero.
People higher up on ranks just buying warp stone, there is no item better for general purpose escape or engage. There is no point to have both fleet and warp. Surge of power is good in its own right now, dont see a problem with him. Only thing that lacking is its damage output. It should be like 50+ spirit power on one spell on cast and then cooldown. Not this 30+ spirit power buff. If you are behind you arent getting it. Its only good as snowballing item.
Also you are talking about power farming tier 4 items, which is bad in most cases, they will get it only by 20 mins with 12 to 15k souls. There is no point to have tier 4 item without cheap tier 1-2 items. By that time they will be against tier 2-3 people so its ok of a strategy to play against.
Surge of power gives you buff for time period, so you imbue it on your combo starter, hence it improves your damage more than improved spirit, also improved spirit is more expensive than surge and serves different purpose.
People higher up on ranks just buying warp stone, there is no item better for general purpose escape or engage. There is no point to have both fleet and warp. Surge of power is good in its own right now, dont see a problem with him. Only thing that lacking is its damage output. It should be like 50+ spirit power on one spell on cast and then cooldown. Not this 30+ spirit power buff. If you are behind you arent getting it. Its only good as snowballing item.
Also you are talking about power farming tier 4 items, which is bad in most cases, they will get it only by 20 mins with 12 to 15k souls. There is no point to have tier 4 item without cheap tier 1-2 items. By that time they will be against tier 2-3 people so its ok of a strategy to play against.
Surge of power gives you buff for time period, so you imbue it on your combo starter, hence it improves your damage more than improved spirit, also improved spirit is more expensive than surge and serves different purpose.
Fleet foots passive removes movement speed slow upon attacking and is absolutely bonkers busted. High rank players are absolutely using it. Nearly every hero that weapon attacks with a large mag or goes heavy movment speed early on is using it for this passive.
There are plenty of cases to be made for farming a T4 item when you are snowballing or split pushing (not fighting). Vindicta picking up glass cannon or life siphon can end a game if the enemy team is on the backfoot and the player is aware of positioning. Leech is another item that if you are only 1-2k away from buying, picking it up can secure a game on the right character. Refresher as well. There is no cookie cutter or blanket situation here. No one should force farming a T4 if they are on the backfoot or if map advantage is not in their favor. It is all situational. My only point here is that surge of power lost its omff when you actually compare the damage in sandbox versus your other options. Its not what it was, and it honestly isnt the best thing you could pick up.

People higher up in ranks? Is RMM out or something? Or we just referring to good players that are high ranked in other Mobas? With almost 10k hours in Dota 2 and close to that in LoL count me in. Only about 200 hours so far in Deadlock however. Can only play 1-3 matches a day sadly.
"- Surge of Power: Imbued ability now grants +10% Fire Rate when used (same 6s duration as the movespeed buff)"
Grateful for this.
Its just became more widely available, now you can run and shoot people with it.
The attack speed might make it more accessible to additional heros, but for heros like pocket, invernus, Bebop, Dynamo etc That love Spirit and weapon attack speed, it is a killer item now. It is now very very good with quicksilver reload, the those 2 items alone on Dynamo are pretty nuts when you consider the attack speed he gets from his displacement/teleport.